Chapter 12/16

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- Hyunjin's pov-

What's wrong with this girl? I told her not to come home late and it's now 23:19. I dialed her number and called a few times but it just says, " The number you are calling is currently unavailable ".

Because it was raining, I decided to find her. I took my jacket and opened the gate, I was shocked to see...

" Hey! What are you doing out here? Wake up " I shook her.

I carried her inside and placed her on the sofa.

" Why are you filled with bruises? Why didn't you come in? " I asked.

" You locked the gate already " She replied.

" You have the key " I reminded.

" I lost it.. this morning " She explained.

" Who did this? You're bleeding everywhere " I questioned.

" I'm okay, it doesn't hurt" She answered.

" You're lying, I can tell you're holding the pain " I told her.

" I'm going to my room " She said as she stood up and started to walk.

" Yah! No, Let me give you some medicine first " I stopped her.

" No, there's no need " She refuses.

" Yah! you.. " She slammed the door at me while I was talking.

What do I do? Should I just leave her like that?

I didn't bother checking on her until I heard a loud bang from her room. I wanted to open and see what happened but I didn't have the courage too so I waited a few minutes later and peeked inside her room. I could hear her sobbing and throwing her notebooks on the ground.

" Ryujin ah, why are you like that? " I asked.

" Go! Get out! I hate you, I hate the world! " She raised her voice.

" What's wrong? If I did something wrong, I'll apologize this moment " I told her.

" Why does everyone living on the damn earth hates me!?! Why does everyone target me? Why can't I just live a normal peaceful life where I don't get beaten up almost everyday? " She blasted with anger.

" Who beat you up? Tell me and I'll make sure he or she gets it back " I questioned.

" Go! You're a rich, healthy man so go live your happy life and leave me alone " She answered.

" No, seeing you like this is bothering me, I can't sleep well, can you at least let me clean your scar and cover it up? It'll be infected " I asked.

She hesitated at first but slowly got into a sitting position, " Turn around and lay down, I'll cover your back scar first " I told her.

" Why am I so unlucky? I want to live like you " She said.

" We have different problems, if you just bare with it... it'll leave you one day, I think I pretty much got over Bona now " I explained.

" Oppa, can you stay here tonight? I can sleep on the small sofa there if you need the bed " She asked.

" No, I can sleep on the floor, I'm use to it because we didn't have beds in summer camp last year " I told her.

" Okay, Goodnight " She said.

- Ryujin's pov -

In the middle of my sleep, I had a bad dream which woke me up. I tried to find a better sleeping position but it felt as if my space became smaller.

I tried turning around and was about to close my eyes when I saw... " Ahhh!! " I shouted.

" Oppa, why are you up here? " I questioned.

" Sorry, the floor was so cold " He answered.

" Then... I'll sleep on the floor " I decided.

I was half way up until he pulled me back down again,

" No need, just stay in your side of the bed " He said half asleep.

" But I'm uncomfortable with"

" Be quiet, just sleep " He told me.

I had no choice but to be there, I move a little further away from him and slept.


" Ryujin ah, wake up " Hyunjin tapped my shoulder.

" It's still early, 10 more minutes " I whined.

" No, it's already 2pm " He said.

" What? 2pm? " I opened my eyes shocked.

" Why are you so shocked? " He asked.

" I have to... well, submit my late homework " I lied.

" Homework? You submit your late homework three days ago and there was no homework since then " He reminded.

" Ah! I forgot, then.. I'll go use the bathroom first " I quickly escaped from his sight.

I actually wanted to work part time starting from now but I'm afraid he won't let me and lock me home.

" Ryujin ah! You forgot your T-shirt outside " He knocked on the door.

I slowly opened the door and pulled my shirt away from him.

" Thanks " I said.

" By the way, do you want to go somewhere with me today? I don't have a friend to accompany me " He asked.

"Maybe not today, I have to visit a friend" She replied.

"Then I'll wait for you so we can go" He said.


" The beach? Why? " I questioned.

" It's the first place Bona and I went on our first date " He answered.

" Did you take me here because you missed her? Yah! You said you got over her, you liar " I told him.

" I'm sorry, I really wanted to visit this place one last time " He said.

" Why? Are you going somewhere? " I asked.

" My uncle told me to continue school in Canada, I have to go there after this term ends " He replied.

" You're lucky, I've always dreamed of going to school in Canada " I said.

We sat down near the water and watched the sun move from east to west ready for sunset in a few hours.

- Hyunjin's pov -

If only I could help her go to school in Canada, it would be easier to keep in touch.

" Oppa, I'm going to the restroom, hold my phone for awhile " She excused herself.

I turned on my phone and saw my last chat with Shijinnie, I should text her and ask when she wants to meet again.

HyunH: Hi! I still feel bad for not meeting you that day, can we meet another day?


I turned over to Ryujin's phone which vibrated right after I sent the text. I turned on her lock screen and saw a message from.....


Thanks for reading!

The Unwanted Relationship ( Stray Kids Hyunjin and JYP Shin RyuJin )Where stories live. Discover now