*·Chapter 14·*

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Warning: Actual smut this time ;3


The drive to Jungkook's apartment was torture for Namjoon. The younger refused to speak or glance in the older's direction. All he did was grip the steering wheel until his knuckles turn white. He didn't even hold Namjoon's hand like he normally does.

'He's really pissed.'

To be honest, Namjoon felt like crying. He didn't even notice how much he loves when the younger talks to him until he wasn't. His silence was scary to the older and he just fucking hated it.

Stopping his car in its normal parking spot, the younger shut the machine off leaning back against the driver seat just to calm down a bit before he spoke.

"Let's go."

He said simply, still not looking at his very dejected boyfriend, he just got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Namjoon flinched holding his bag against him even tighter before he got the courage to get out of the car listening for the click of the locks to indicate that the car was sealed tight.

Slowly the older walked into the lobby to see his bunny waiting for him at the elevator. They rode in silence, Jungkook still not sparing Namjoon a single look.

The older watched the brunette open the door kicked off his shoes walking into the living room before going out of Namjoon's sight. The pink haired sighed locking the door and arrange their shoes properly before searching for his obviously upset boyfriend.

He found the younger in the bedroom at the head of the bed, in the middle hugging his legs, burying his face into his knees.


Namjoon called out cautiously, slowly crawling towards the other on his hands and knees.


He called again but softer this time as he gently ran his fingers through the younger's hair.

"He touched you."

His voice was void of all emotion and Namjoon just fucking hated that.

"Yea...I-I'm sorry..."

Jungkook sighed finally looking up at his baby. He cupped the older's cheek in his large palm, the older instinctively leaning into his warmth, sighing in relief at how Jungkook's touch erased Seongwoo's touch from earlier.

"Don't be. I'm the one that's sorry. I bet you thought I was mad at you huh?" Jungkook asked gently caressing the older's cheek making him sigh in contentment as his eyes fluttered close.

"Touch me more."

Jungkook chuckled. "Ok." He started caressing the other cheek with his other hand.

"More." Namjoon mumbled crawling closer. Jungkook put him legs down flat on the bed making the older crawl between them.

"More please."

"Needy are we?"

"Yes. For you." Jungkook huffed pulling him into a kiss, his tongue prying Namjoon's mouth open which he happily complied with a soft moan. Their tongues slid against each other, tasting each other, savoring, extracting excited and playful, beautiful sounds from the pink haired male as he tried to basically rip the younger's shirt off of his body.

"Stop! I like this shirt!" Jungkook pulled away hugging himself to protect the article of clothing.

Namjoon mumbled a soft sorry with his head held down while sitting on his legs between his boyfriend's spread ones.

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