*·Chapter 12·*

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"Oh fuck! Yes right there. Oh damn you're so good Kookie. Shit!"

Jungkook laughed at his boyfriend as he continues to massage out the kinks in Namjoon's muscles.

"I wonder if you'll be this vocal when I inflict another kind of pleasure on you." The younger leaned over whispering in his boyfriend's ear before nipping at the lobe.

"Pervert!" Namjoon squeaked trying to move away from under the younger that was sitting on his legs.

"Get oooooff." The older whined making Jungkook laugh once more. "I have to go to the bathroom!"

"Ok ok."

The younger rolled off of his boyfriend onto his back while the older rushed to the bathroom. Staring up at the ceiling Jungkook's mind started to wonder back to earlier today when the younger picked Namjoon up from work.

Some guy was hanging onto him. It was the same brown haired guy from yesterday he was talking to in the lobby. He forgot to ask Namjoon about the him the other night because he was so happy that the older came over and they had such a lovely dinner that he didn't want to mess it up.

"What are you thinking about?"

Namjoon asked softly as he ran a finger up and down the younger's bare chest while hovering over him, pulling him from his thoughts.

"You. And that brown haired guy that was hanging onto you today." Jungkook said softly watching the older's reaction.

Namjoon sighed as he pulled his finger away. He instead, straddled the younger's hips staring down at him.

"He's no one." Namjoon lied.

"Lying is not your thing so don't start." Jungkook scoffed irritation rolling off of his tongue.

"He's my so-called ex from back in high school. Happy?" Namjoon replied harshly.

"Don't do that. Don't get annoyed at me because I wanted to know who the guy was. You obviously don't like him so I wanted to know why the fuck he was hanging onto you." The younger huffed sitting upright so he could lean against the headboard with Namjoon still straddling him.

"Now, why is he a 'so-called' ex and not just a normal ex."

"Jungkook..." The older whined not wanting to talk about the past but he knows how Jungkook is so he won't let it go.


'Curious little shit.'

"Well you know I skipped a grade in high school so I was in the same year as Yoongi." The younger nodded that he already knows that since he too skipped a grade.

"Well back in second year I had a crush on someone, Oh Seongwoo, the guy you saw. Back then I was very shy and didn't talk much and I was classified as a 'stuck up nerd' because I was quiet and smart. Apparently in high school you're seen as someone who thinks their better than everyone because you're smart. So I was bullied often. Yoongi would try to defend me but he couldn't always be around.

"Apparently it wasn't enough for Seongwoo and his friends that they torture me everyday they decided to torture me emotionally. They made a bet to see if Seongwoo could sleep with the nerd by the end of second year. Around that time there was a lot of shit going on at home with my parents plus I had to deal with that shit after I found out that it was all a lie. I literally went crazy."

Namjoon ranted half chuckling. Jungkook grabbed the older's chin between his hand pulling him close for a deep bone melting kiss.

"S-Stop...let me...let me f-finish."

Namjoon blushed deeply pulling his head back with a pout.

"I remembered that day. My dad ran away leaving my mom to bawl her eyes out and I just wanted to get away and I thought I could hang out with my 'boyfriend' just to help me cope. So during lunch, since he was in a different class, I went to the cafeteria to see him and his friends laughing about how Seongwoo actually had won the bet by sleeping with that disgusting nerd and how I actually fell for it all. The hugs, dates, kisses, the supposed love, all of it.

"I could remember everyone in the cafeteria either laughing or looking at me with sympathy and I just snapped. The baseball team's table was closest to me and I grabbed a bat and just started swinging. All I saw was red, figuratively and literally. I think half way through I was crying and laughing at the same time. I sprained Seongwoo's wrist and broke the asshole who started the bet's arm. I was sent to therapy."

"No expulsion?"

"Nope. I did get a two weeks of library duty. But the reason why I didn't get worse was because my representative blamed it on the constant bullying, stress of school because I was so smart the teachers put a lot of pressure on me plus the troubles at home then I had to deal with the bet, anyone would snap."

Jungkook sighed heavily pulling his boyfriend to him, gently rubbing his back exactly how he likes it.

"Now I want to find that asshole and beat him again." Jungkook grumbled making Namjoon laugh.

"During the whole school trial, yes we had a school court, Seongwoo didn't say anything while his friends were hollering and shit. It was hard trying not to laugh." The older muttered against Jungkook's chest.

"Don't talk to him."

"That's gonna be hard since we work in the same building and we have a project together."

"You've got to be kidding me." The bunny sighed. "Fine. Don't talk to him if you don't have to."


"I love you."

"I like you a whole lot."

Jungkook laughed accepting the confession nonetheless.


Yay updated! Now you guys know what happened. It sucks I know ;-;

I think some angry jealous Kookie is in order ^-^

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