*·Chapter 3·*

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It has been three days since Namjoon and Jungkook started dating, three days of Namjoon thinking that the reason why the younger was being distant all of a sudden is because he couldn't believe Namjoon actually accepted his confession and was still in a state of shock.

Three days of Namjoon trying to not feel like crap every time Jungkook flinched went he touched him or he would decline when the older asked him to stay in his room. But now he realize that it was three days too long.

The pink haired fluff slammed his bowl of frosted flakes onto the kitchen table as they ate breakfast. Jungkook slowly took a spoonful of lucky charms, cautiously pulling the spoon from his lips.

He could tell that his boyfriend was mad.

'Boyfriend. Oh shit he's my boyfriend.'

Namjoon angrily chewed on his cereal, ignoring the younger's existence.



"Hyung, did I do something wrong?"

"Oh wow he's not ignoring me anymore, what a break through."

"I wasn't ignoring you."

"Ha! Could've fool me."

Ok Jungkook admit that he was being a bit distant but it's not like he wanted to, it just happened. He didn't know what to do with himself since he was prepared to get rejected and he had a plan for that.

But sadly he never made a plan for if he ever got accepted. So instead of winging it he blocked it out.

The older took up his empty bowl and washed up before heading to his room slamming the door.

Jungkook sighed heavily knowing that he was fucking up already. He quickly washed up his bowl and spoon before making his way to the other's room.


The younger walked in to see the older male on his bed, his back facing the door. The brunette sighed closing the door and climbed onto the bed. He pressed his body to the older, wrapping an arm around his waist pulling him closer.

"I'm sorry if I made you mad."

"You're an idiot Kookie."

"I know I just.....I just don't know what to do."

"Just be yourself with a bit more. Do you not know what a boyfriend is?"

The older sighed rolling onto his other side to face the younger.

"Touch me more, hug me more, cuddle me...haven't you ever thought of what it would be like, us being together?"

"Yea I have, more than you think. But fantasy is different from reality."

"Well your fantasy has become your reality."

Namjoon reached up to gently caressed his cheek.

"Kiss me.."

Jungkook blinked not knowing if he heard right but when the words finally sink in his cheeks were so red he felt like he was about to explode.

"I-I don't...I-I can't....I.."

"You can't..."

To say the pink haired fluffy was disappointed was an understatement. He pulled his hand back feeling embarrassed that he would even suggest a thing like that.

Fuck, Jungkook hated that he putted that look on the other's face then without hesitation he grabbed his boyfriend's hand pulling him back.


The brunette ran his thumb across his boyfriend's plump lower pale pink lip as he leaned towards him. The younger pressed their lips together as a small peck before diving back in for more.

He wrapped his arms around the older's waist as Namjoon wrapped his arm around Jungkook's neck. The brunette rolled onto his back so Namjoon could fit perfectly between his legs.

His heart pounded heavily against his rib cage, he was sure Namjoon could feel it.

The older's lips were better than he could've ever imagined. So soft, addictive and sweet. He wanted more and more and more.

The pink haired male whimpered when Jungkook nibbled his plump lips. The younger then nipped along his jaw before going down his neck, licking his Adam's Apple before biting and sucking on his long beautiful neck.


But said male was too far gone, enjoying his exploration. His hands roam up the heated flesh of the older's back, straying away from his playful tugging of his shirt..


Namjoon shot up straight while sitting on his bent legs, cheeks flaming red. Jungkook blinked the confusion out of his lust filled eyes only to be replaced by shock and embarrassment.

"H-Hyung I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me....I just...God I just wanted to touch you more..."

"I don't mind, I'm just overreacting because it felt so....good." The older chuckled making his boyfriend smile ever so brightly.


Yay updated! So cute! I could just die. I don't care what anyone says!

My Namkook is so adorable!

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