Request for WilmarieMaldonado

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I hope you like it @WilmarieMaldonado

"Ed give me back my book!" I said annoyingly as he hold my book above his head. He was taller than me so you will know the struggle.

"First you need to give me a kiss." He said with goofy smile.

"Come on Ed. I want to read. I have a few pages to finish it."I said and started jumping but it was useless.

"First kiss."

"Ugh fine."I said and went on my tip toes and peck his lips.


He nodded his head and gave me my book.

"Thank you."I said and went on the couch.

"Hey what is this?" He suddenly asked and I look up. He was holding a small lion figure.

"Oh that. It's my only thing I have from my dad."I said sadly.

"You miss him?" He asked and sit next to me.

"Not really. I never met him. I don't know how he was looking. I don't know anything about him. When I ask mum she always said he was good man and he would be amazing father,but when I want to know more she just ignore me and avoid that conversation. So I stop asking her." I said and look down.

"I'm sorry Stephanie."he said and look at me.

I look at him and smile."It's ok."

"I was thinking if you want to go to cinema tonight. I hear there is some movie that sound interesting."he said.

"Sure. I don't even know when was the last time I was in cinema."I said and leaned on his shoulder. We were enjoying in silence when my stomach growled. I laugh a little.

"How about we go grab something to eat and then go to cinema?" Edmund asked.

"I agree. Just let me go change."I said and stand up and headed to room. I dressed some black jeans and a cute shirt with black and white lines. I put my black vans and brush my hair. I grab a small backpack I always carry with myself and went in living room.



We went in Edmund's car and he drive to close restaurant. Then suddenly a car crash into ours. I scream and fell unconscious.

I woke up on something soft. I groaned. What's happened? Last thing I remember going with Edmund in restaurant when a car crash into ours. Wait. Where is Edmund? I stand up and realize I'm in a room. But it's not our normal room. It's a room like in medieval times. Am I dreaming? Am I dead? I went out. Just then I realize I'm in a white gown and I'm barefoot. I started shouting Edmund name.


Then a faun came to me. Wait faun?

"Follow me lady." He said and I screamed and fall unconscious.

I woke up and saw Edmund. I quickly pull him in a hug.

"Oh Edmund I have the most weirdest dream ever. I saw a faun." I told him and he smile.

"It was not a dream love."he said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's hard to explain and I'm still trying to get used to that. You know you were out for a month?"


"Yes after the accident we were transported in Narnia."


"Narnia is a land where are we now. Aslan rules Narnia. He is a king and...lion."

"Lion? Edmund are you crazy? There is no such a thing. How can a lion rules the land?"I asked confused.

"Let me explain. I don't know how can he rules the land,but he can. I was also confused. He said he save us from accident. We would be both dead if he didn't save us. And I have to tell you there is more mythical creatures than faun."he said and look at me.

I didn't know what to say. This is crazy. I'm confused.

"I...I have another news for you." He started and I nodded my head for him to continue.

"I...I find your dad."

"What? How did you find my dad? Where is he? Take me to him."I said and stand up.

"Ok ok."he said and we went out. He grabbed my hand and lead me somewhere. We enter a room and I saw a lion. That must be Aslan.

"Hello Edmund I see that Stephanie is finally woke up. How are you dear?" He asked me.

"I'm good sir. Still confused but good."I said and he turned to look at the balcony.

"Edmund said he find my dad,so where is he?" I asked and Edmund gave me a look. Aslan look at me.


"You don't understand?"

"No Ed."I said and looked confused.

"Well,how to tell you this? Aslan is your dad Stephanie."he said and I started laughing.

"Hahaha really Ed. That's the funniest thing I ever heard." I said but he didn't sound like he is joking. I stop laughing and get serious.

"But how?" I asked and turned to Aslan.

"Your mother was a star. There was prophecy that the king of Narnia and the most shiniest star will have a daughter. When you were born there was a war and I send you and your mother on Earth to keep you safe."he said.

"So you are my dad?" I asked and he nodded his head." I was only try to protect you Stephanie. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you."

"Can I hug you?" I asked on edge of tears. He nodded his head and I hug him around neck tightly crying in his mane.

"I never expect I'll see you."

"Well my dear you are here now and I'm happy about it."he said and I continue crying on his mane. That weren't tears from sadness that were tears from happiness.

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