Horror movie

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"Hey, Y/N, can we watch horror movies?"

Edmund, your boyfriend, stay at your house because you have to stay alone. Both your parents are going to their business thing. Edmund knows you hate horror movies, not because it's nonsense, but they are scary and you can't sleep at night. You were sitting on the couch with Edmund hug you from behind.

"Horror? Why? We can watch the other movie. Like... uh..."

"Final destination?"

"Ed!" you scream and punch him playfully. "It's not funny at all!" you fake pout and try to get from his hug.

"Hey, c'mon. Don't be like that, Y/N." he pulls you to his hug. You put your head to his chest, listen to his heartbeat goes faster.

"I'm bored, Ed! Bored!" you shout as you turn and put your face into his clothes. You take a deep breath and heard his chuckle as you do that.

"What movie you want to watch?"

"Something funny... comedy? And... romantic? Or something mystery, but not horror. Like..." you said on his clothes.

"Chucky?" he cut you off. You 'bite' his clothes, along with his skin. "Ow!"

You pull off from his clothes and stare at him. You start to walk away, but once again he pulls you to his hug. You gave up and sit on his lap. Face- to- face. You saw him using his puppy eyes, he begging to you. You didn't want to watch a horror movie, you'll scared for a week or more. But finally, you give up.

"What movie?"

"Hm... Insidious? Or Conjuring? No, Anabelle? You have those films, right?" you just nodded. "Thanks a lot, Y/N!" you laugh. He picks you up and brings you to your bedroom.

Once you already in your room, you put a blanket around you and watch him start the film. He choose a film that you didn't know the title. He comes to you and you put your head into his chest. He wrap the blankets around you, make sure you feel safe and warm. You hug a pillow, if there's something pop out you can hide behind it, right?

The film starts, but in the middle of the film, many ghosts have come, you heard something. Edmund heard it too. He paused the movie and look outside. He starts to stand up, but you hold his hand, not wanting him to go. He just smiles and starts to stand up. You can see a smirk in his face. Then you keep on hearing the sound, then suddenly the light off once Edmund already out.

You hold your scream, you want to call Edmund's name, but you can't. You didn't want to look weak, so you stay there for a while. Just then, you heard something fall. You really scared so you hug the pillow tighter. Then you saw a light. It's coming near to you, to your room. You getting more nervous.

Suddenly, there's a scream, it's Edmund's voice. You throw away the pillow and run to the door. You fell and try to get up. But just then, someone has popped out from in front you, scream- laughing, and there's a flashlight on its hand. Instead of screaming, you call Edmund's name. And you cry, you don't know why you just did.

"EDMUND!" one reason why you didn't want to watch a horror movie.

"Y/N, it's okay. It's me. It's Edmund." the one that scaring you say. He turns on the light, and yes, it's him. You start crying. You stay still on the floor and hug your knees.

"Y/N I'm so sorry love. I didn't mean to. I didn't know you'll get that scared." he said softly and hug me. You cried on his chest.

"Shhhhhhh.I'm sorry love. Please forgive me." he tried to calm you down.

You look at him."I forgive you."You whisper. He kissed your forehead."I promise we will never watch horror movies, ok?" he caressed your cheek. You just nodded. He whipped my tears away."Come here." he said and hug you. You hug him tightly.

"Let's go watch some of your movies," he said and pick you up in bridal style. You put your head on his neck. He put you on a bed and put a movie you like. He lay beside you and hug you. You put your head on his chest and he kissed you head. He started playing with your hair until you fall asleep.

A/N: Hey guys.I'm sorry I didn't update. I hope you like it. Check my other story I update. Love you.❤

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