He's jelaous

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A/N: Hey guys. This chapter is written by my friend and co-writer @Kate-IchiSan.She is a really great person and you should follow her. Hope you like it.Comment and vote. Oh and please make requests, please.

Edmund isn't the jealous type of boyfriend. But when it comes to you, he would be so overprotective. At first, you found it cute. But sooner or later, it becomes annoying. He likes to hold your waist, kiss your cheeks, forehead, even lips in front of people. That means, he jealous. Sometimes, Caspian and Peter is the one who needs to hold him from killing the person who tries to flirt with you. One day, there's a Telmarines who flirt with you. He even is a touchy guy. He touch your hands, your arms, kiss your hands. And that makes Edmund mad, or jealous.

Today, you and Edmund didn't have any special things to do. Both of you just eat lunch together. Edmund looking at you, he hiding something. But, all the silence that both of you enjoy has vanished once Caspian walked into the dining hall. He sits beside you and starts to 'flirt' with you. Edmund knows that you and Caspian is like a brother and sister. You both like a sibling. But sometimes, Edmund just forget that fact and likes to get angry at Caspian. You have to explain everything to Edmund. When you said that he's jealous, he would change the topic.

"So, Y/N, anything new from your work? You know, we'll get a better life if you being the queen, because you already have my heart."

"Caspian!" you shout and laugh along with him. Edmund just looking at you two and walk away from both of you. You and Caspian stop laughing and looking at where Edmund was. Probably, he thinks that you left him. Great, Y/N, another problem that comes, you think to yourself.

"So, what 's with you and Edmund? Are you two fighting?"

"No, probably he thinks that I left him to have some fun."

"Sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean like that," Caspian says to you while holding both of your hands. He kisses the palm of your hand and you let out a small giggle. But, none of you see that Edmund is watching both of you. He watches every move that both of you do.

In the evening, you got tired. Not tired because of all the 'queen' duties. But, tired searching Edmund in the castle. You start to worrying about him. He never acted like this. You already search for him everywhere. Where he used to be when he's sad, his favorite spot, the arena where both of you learning sword, the place where both of you learn using bow, his room, even his bathroom! Well, no one knows, maybe he hides in the bathroom. Then, you just went from the stables, where the horses are. Caspian is there and looking at you.

"What happened, Y/N? You looked so tired." Caspian said.

"Yeah, I'm searching for Edmund. But, he's nowhere to be seen!" you scream and make the horses whining scared. "Sorry," you whisper.

The only thing that both of you didn't know is Edmund, watching this again. He looked so angry. Edmund starts to think, why behave to hide? Isn't it too childish? He's a wise man! He knows how to act! Why he even mad at Caspian? No, no one can touch my Y/N like that, Edmund thinks. Is he jealous? He thinks to himself. He even starts to confuse. The feeling inside him. It feels like someone wants him to punch Caspian right in the face. Caspian is Edmund's brother, why he had this feeling? He shouldn't feel like this, right?

"What's wrong with you, Ed?" he mutters under his breath. Then, he heard a laugh. Not just a random laugh. It's your laugh with Caspian. He felt anger start to raising in his chest and stomach. His mind is blank and the only thing that he wants to do is kiss you so hard.

"Caspian, it's impossible!" you said between laugh.

"Hey, it's not just a joke. It's true. Love, you look so beautiful, even the flowers will be a shame when they met you. The stars will not shine as bright as they used to because they shame, you're more shining than stars, Y/N."

"Caspian! It's strange!" you laugh, and he does that too. Edmund who heard this all tired. Tired to be treated like a last chance. Like, he's the outcast. Even by his girlfriend too!

"N/N, what are you doing late in the night?" Edmund approaching both of you.

"Ed!" you scream with happiness. Your eyes shine brighter than before. All your tiredness has gone once you saw him.

"Bloody hell, Y/N, you didn't have to scream like that." {Don't think just Ron did it. They all British. Even Thomas Sangster did!}

"Ed, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. C'mon." Edmund pulls your hand and you wave to Caspian he sent a flying kiss to you and you giggle again. Those adorable giggles should be mine, Edmund thinks. He's the only one who allowed doing that. No one else not allowed to do that.

"Edmund, where are you all day?"

"Practicing," he said, shortly and with anger.

"No, I didn't see you anywhere. Ed, what's wrong?" both of you stopped in the hall. Edmund sigh and spun around and looked at you in the eyes.

"Nothing's wrong, Love. Understand?"

"No, Ed. Something is off. Your tone change. What's the matter? Tell me."

"It's you and Caspian!" suddenly he shouts.

You looked at him, confused. And then, you realize what he talking about. You realize what he said. This can't be, isn't it? You asked yourself. Edmund is jealous of Caspian. He thinks that you and Caspian hang out so much. You start to forgetting him. You always had time with Caspian, and not Edmund. You suddenly laugh. You laugh uncontrollably until Edmund looking at you, confused. Then, his face turned deep red. He's jealous, and he realizes it now.

"Ed, Caspian is like a brother for me. You didn't have to be jealous!"

"I'm not jealous!" Edmund defends himself. You looked at him in the eyes longer, he finally sighs and looked into your eyes with love, and caring. He didn't say anything but grab your waist.

With that, Edmund kiss you in the lips. You closed your eyes and put your arms around his neck. Edmund's band around your wais, one on your head, pushing you to kiss him deeper. Both of you enjoy the time like this. Yes, if Edmund jealous, he will kiss you in the lips, rough. You play with his soft hair when you kiss him. You can feel him smirking in the kiss. Suddenly, he bit your lower lip, and you didn't expect this to happen. Your lips open apart and Edmund let his tongue slip into yours. He explores your mouth.

The kiss gets more heated and more passionate. Both of you sent love in that kiss. Edmund broke the kiss and start to kiss the neck. He even suck your sweet spot, make you moan his name. Edmund smirking in this and you went blushing. He still kissing your neck, making you moan his name more. He loves it, he likes it this way. Both of you didn't need to explain things, but the kiss will explain everything. Then, he backs to your lips and kiss it again. He just chuckles when he finally bit your lower lips again. Then, you heard someone clearing their throat. Caspian and Peter!

"Uh... I think both of you are busy... and I think... you need a room. Y/N, you better hide that... Uhm... things." Caspian said, awkwardly. Peter just nodded and both of them go away.

"Edmund! You left hickey, aren't you?!"

"Sorry, Love. I can't hold it. But, that will explain to everyone, that you're mine and only mine."

"You really jealous," you say with a smirk.

"No, I'm not," Edmund said.

"Yeah, you aren't and left hickey."

"Okay, I am. But, I love you, and I just didn't want you to be someone else. You're mine." Edmund holds your waist and pulls you closer to him.

"And always be." you smile at Edmund while saying this.

"I think we have a job to finish, wanna go somewhere private?" Edmund tease you.

"My pleasure." you and Edmund go to your room. And... that's where you gonna know what will happen there all night.

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