He hits you

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A/N: This is modern imagine

It was 2 a.m.when you hear a slam on the door. You went out of the room and saw Edmund leaning on the door. He was out and he was drunk again. You had enough of this.

"Edmund, why did you drink?" you snapped. He looks at you.

"What do you care? Just leave me alone. Nobody can help me." he said.

"Edmund, I care about you. Please tell me what's happening," you said softly to him.

"Leave me alone, you stupid bitch," he screamed at you and slapped you.

"Y/N, I'm so, so sorry..." he said when he realizes what he did. Your cheek was red, but it didn't hurt you as much as hurt you the fact that Edmund hits you.

"Don't. Just save it.I'm leaving," you said and run to your room. You started to pack your things.

"Y/N please don't leave me.I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," he said while tears roll down his cheeks.

"Goodbye Edmund," you said to him and leave. You went to your best friend F/N. You told her everything and she let you sleep in her apartment.

After five days you couldn't take it anymore. You wanted Edmund, but then you remember he hits you without reason. He called you many times and text you, but you didn't answer. You were watching TV when your phone ringed. It was Lucy. You picked up."Hello."

"Hey Y/N, I know you and Edmund break up, but could you go to him, he isn't very well," she asked.

"I'm sorry Lu, but I can't," you said.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked.


"You know why Edmund hits you?" she said a little bit sad.

"He was drunk," you said.

"Yeah, but do you know why he was drunk," she asked her voice cracked.

"No.," you said a little bit confusing.

"Y/N, Edmund didn't want you to tell, but our dad passed away a few days ago," she said and burst into tears. You hold your hand to your mouth. Tears started to form in your eyes.

"W-what?Lu, I'm so sorry," you said.

"I-It's ok. Just please go to Edmund. He endured this worst." she said.

"Ok Lu, I-I will. Bye," you said.

"Thank you. Bye," she said. The call ended. You were still in shock. Why Edmund didn't want to tell you. You hurriedly dressed and rush to your and Edmund's apartment. When you arrived the door was open. When you came in, you were in shock. There was all on the floor, broken, there were holes in the walls from punching. You went into the living room. There was Edmund lying on couch, bottles of beer around him. His eyes were red and puffy, black circle under eyes, his hair was all messy, his hands were in blood from punching. You started crying ."Edmund."

He saw you and rushed to you."Y/N. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to slap you, it j-just..." he started crying. You hug him and said."You don't have to say, Lucy told me. Edmund, I'm sorry, I can't imagine how you feel."

"I-I just don't know what to feel. I feel like the whole world crashed down," he said and hugs you tightly.

"Shhhh, it's ok. I'm here. You have me and your mum and siblings and friends. We are all here for you." you said and lead him to the bathroom. He sat on the toilet and you clean his wounds. You help him dressed pajamas because he was so tired. You laid him down on the bed and hopped in beside him. You wipe away his tears.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"It's ok, I forgive you, "you said and kissed his forehead.

Edmund Pevensie ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now