Chapter 9

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I was at school, still thinking of that great day with Jay. seeing Zana, at her locker. Wondering if she will still talk to me after what happened. I hope so, walking over to her. Getting closer and closer, she notices me coming, not looking very happy to see me. Saying something anyway. "Hey girl. How's it going?" Talking as if nothing happened.

"Good, till you got here." Looking down at her phone. "Oh look at the time, I should get going."

Stopping her from leaving I say, "Ok I know you don't like me right now and you don't have to talk. Just listen to me for a sec, at least."

"Ok. Go on." Zana says.

looking her right into the eyes saying, "I understand your mad. I tried so hard to tell you. Especially about the date. Just for some reason when I tried it wonted come out. I really don't know why. knowing that's a bad excuse, but its true and you know me, I can't lie. Well I guess I can. I just hope some time we can be friends again. Last thing, I guess this boy brings the bad out of me and I lie to the one person I care of the most."

"You got that right. When I think about it, maybe this boy is bad inflows on you, making you lie. He seems like bad noose to me. Wanting you for him self. For some bad plan he has."

starting to get really mad saying. "Wow that is low, even for you. I may have lied, but its not like he told me to. Nothing he has done was to tare us apart or anything. If you met him, you so wish you didn't say that. I guess this was a bad idea coming over to talk. I thought maybe after you thought it throw, you of all people, would understand. I guess not. Are friends understand more then you even do."

"Oh my gosh. So you told them before me. Talk about who comes first."

"I only did cuss Magian knottiest and asked. I couldn't not answer. Just like I'm answering you now."

"Ya, but when I asked you what your doing this weekend, you just said your not free. Lying to me then. So bye lier, with lier boy."

"Oh what ever Zana. When you come to understand. Then come find me, but bye for now. I was going to bring you to meet Jay, but after what you said about him. I sure wont and you can think he is bad as much as you want even thou he totally is not. Bye so called friend." I brag off mad. When the day started I was happy and not mad at Zana, but oh her nerve. It's not like she noise him. So why say such mean things about someone you barely know. I wonder where my bff has gone, wile who is this girl in Zana's body. I hope she comes back soon, but grr her nerve. off to class I go, leaving that for now. As the day goes on.

It's finally lunch. I'm walking the halls about to go to the lunch room, when someone covers my eyes. Giving me this worm feeling, wondering who. Right then I was turned having my hand on there cheek. I mediately knew it was Jay. I opened my eyes seeing a bracelet around my wrist. Saying to him, "What this for? You didn't have to."

"I know, I just couldn't help it when I saw it. I don't know what it was, but it screamed something you'd love."

"I do love it. Oo it even has a dancer charm on it."

Jay says, "Oh yes it dose. I knew you love that, most of all."

Looking at him with my eyes wide in wonder saying, "How would you know that? I never told you."

"Guilty as charged. I'v seen you dance the halls. Seeing you look so free, when you did. All the times I have seen you around. I never seen you happier, then when you danced freely. That's just how I knew you'd love it.

Starting to blush saying, "Oh my, you saw. I thought no one was looking. How embarrassing."

"Oh there's no need to be embarrassed about it. Doing something that makes you happy, is a great thing. No matter what anyone may think."

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