Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
Jay/Jesse POV
Chilling at school on this nice spring day. Thinking back to that day with Tosha that somehow made me feel all calm after words. To be hold my good time didn't last to long when I saw Lin coming my way. I got up starting to walk, then maybe she might see I'm busy and not bother me. Who am I kidding, all I can do is walk fast enough that I loos her. Only thing though it didn't work and she was next to me before I knew it. Only thing though she didn't seam to be all over me like she has been before. I say to it as I'm walking, "Hey what's up Lin?"

Lin being chill says, "oh I'm not too bad. Just thought I come over as I happened to notice you're alone today. I hope nothing bad happened with you and Jane. It be sad to see you two people that look so good, be so bad."

For a second I get a look of what, then it passes and I say, "oh why thank you. I have just had some things to think through, is all."

"Oh I see, well you ever want to just talk I am all ears. Well I should let you go. You look busy."

Little confused and say, "Why thanks I'll see ya." And just like that she leaves me alone and isn't being clingy. I wonder if she has turned a new leaf. Making me through out the day wonder if maybe she might be an ok person and is just miss understood. Knowing how that can be when fans think that about me, at times. To even more so the people that aren't fans, going really man!

It's nice to think the people at school don't miss understand me to much as they don't know I'm famous. If they did I just know I get way to many people wanting to be my friend just because they're in so much o that I'm famous. Oh how it's nice to go to the one place that doesn't know the real me. At least not the famous me. That is one great thing about Jane, that she wouldn't be so omg your famous if some how she found out, I bet.

At lunch time I am walking outside wearing my jean jacket and happened to notices Jane sitting there. Something seamed off about her so I went and joined her on the bench. Having nothing make me want to avoid her this time, but to see what is up. Sitting down being quiet for a few seconds as I look up to it all, then to her. Seeing she hasn't noticed me sit down.

I of cores finally speak up and say, "Hey Jane. I couldn't help but notice you don't seam your self today. What's up if you don't mind me asking?"

Jane then notices me their, but doesn't look to happy to see me. She just turns her body away from me and doesn't say a word.

"Oh come on Jane I'm worried about you. can't you say something to me." A mint passes and all I get in responds is a hand in the face. letting me know, just talk to the hand.

I push her hand away saying, "Oh come on this is so unlike you. Why you being like this to me. It's like someone has taken over your body."

Jane then gets up crossing her arms, I finally get her to say something even if just "hmmm." Having her back towards me.

I get up after some time passes putting both my hands on her shoulders holding firm saying, "Ok this is quite enough! I came to see if your ok and this is how I get treated. Seeing you don't seem your self and you sure don't look it ether."

Jane saying actual words just as I let her free, "I'm sorry man, I just don't get ya and why should it matter to you if I'm not looking the way you're used to me looking. If I feel like a change, then by all means I can. If anyone is two faced it might as well be you."

"Oh come on Jane, look at your self. It's more than how you look. The inner you is not the same."

Jane clams down some saying, "Ok, to tell you the truth I'm not mad at you. I just don't get it and need time to think this though."

Just about to say something els, but Jane is off before I knew it.

Jane POV
Finally I am able to get away from Jay. Not that I hate him, but I don't get how he can come ask if I'm ok, like he doesn't know why. All he had to do was say he is sorry he has been so absent. Having me think the worst at times. Going come on man just be clear. Is that to hard to ask. It's like, ok that's men for ya and it shouldn't matter, but even if it is maybe men then need to learn not to do.

Thinking of what men could learn so they don't keep us in wonder, I remember back to movies I'v watched. Going my gosh that's right all the women in them always playing the men making them wonder what they think and not being happy if there man didn't know what they mean. Geas, women can be just as bad. Never the less I have never been more then honest and all he dose is he so odd. Jay must have some odd thing that he is ashamed of so he tries to not tell me. Oh come on him can he just open up already. It been weeks just not talking to me and even when he dose he puts it on me, like I'm am some changed person. Almost as if it's bad. Oh well, if he is not going to be a man about it I shouldn't  care.

Jesse/Jay POV
Back at home, flopping my self on my bed after a hard time working on songs. Having ones again another brain block. Almost as if the songs I did write weren't good anymore, but before I went so crazy as to throw them away. I just left the studio with no care in the world.

Laying there I just didn't get why I thought songs I thought where good, where all of a sudden bad. So unlike me to think pretty much all them were bad. I may one or two here and there, but not all of them, for the new album. Instead of making me go to crazy in thought I got up to take a nice soothing bath. That usually helps calm my nerves.

Just as I was filling the tub and lighting a candle. I did have a funny thought, wonder what people would think of me, a known bad boy who took soothing baths. Thinking that as I am about to take off my special bracelet and put it on my bed side table. I didn't seam to have it on and I didn't see it on the table. Instead of making another thing get to me right now, I just went to bathroom. Letting my robe fall to the floor just as I dipped feet into the soothing warm water. Before I knew it I was at peace. Taking in the twinkle of my candle.

Jane POV
Just about finishing up dance, I noticed something catch my on the stage. Going there I go see what it is. Heading up there I find a bracelet, not thinking to much of I pick it up and take it with just as I go get ready to head home.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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