Attempt #15 - Ivar's World

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United States, Illinois 2018 AD

Date: January 17, 2018

Ivar and Amadeus's relationship had been going well for the last several weeks

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Ivar and Amadeus's relationship had been going well for the last several weeks. They spent a majority of their free time together and Amadeus changed gym's because Ivar didn't like the way Jerri looked at her. Amadeus started new self-defense classes with Opal, an ex-marine who has a passion for teaching others. Her gym had a less sexual name, which was a plus for Amadeus. Boost Defense was its name.

Opal is a great teacher and has greatly improved Amadeus's form and technique, which apparently Jerri had messed up

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Opal is a great teacher and has greatly improved Amadeus's form and technique, which apparently Jerri had messed up. Jerri, as Opal put it, "was teaching you shit techniques and probably was taught wrong himself because he's shit." As Amadeus later found out, Opal hates Jerri, which you would think would be pretty obvious considering she called him shit. Oh Amadeus, you oblivious child.

During the last weeks, Ivar had had a breakthrough, he had found a way home. He had met a man at work who handled people who had dealings with the supernatural and magic. He had told Ivar that they were "legit" and "really freaky". He said that he had seen them do some "weird shit". He offered to bring Ivar to meet them one day after work. Ivar hesitantly agreed and once he met them he was more than glad he agreed.

Two weeks later, he met said witches. The 'witches' had opened his eyes and had found a way for him to return to his time. They said that they would help him open the portal. They gave him a week to gather everyone and everything that he needed to return to his home. Ivar was giddy the whole way back to the apartment until he remembered his fears that ate him alive less than a month ago. 

What would Amadeus say? They were dating now, things were different. He didn't know if he could leave her behind now. Would she want to come? Would she come back with him? How was he going to ask her? How would his village respond to a foreigner? Oh, he didn't care about them, he would kill anyone opposed to her. He would protect her. He hoped, wished, that Amadeus would say yes when he asked her.

Within minutes, Ivar stood in front of the apartment door, keys in hand. He wasn't sure how he was going to go about this. When he had first told her about his time travel experience, she was the only one who didn't laugh at him. She believed him, she didn't see him as a person who would lie about something like that.

Ivar opened the door, walking in. He was greeted with the smell of eggs and bacon. Amadeus peaked her head around the corner of the wall that blocked the view of the kitchen. She smiled widely at him.

"Welcome home, Ivar," she spoke, still smiling at her beloved. He moved forward, softly kissing her before responding with simple thanks. They ate shortly after and then moved to the couch to watch TV till they decided to go to bed. 

Ivar turned toward Amadeus halfway through the Law and Order rerun, "Amadeus, I need to talk to you about something important."

Amadeus turned the TV off, looking at him, scared of what he might have to say.

Ivar continued once he knew he had her attention, "My coworker, Millard, took me to see some witches today. They told me that they know a way to send me home. They gave me a week to gather everything and everyone I need to return with."

Amadeus's eyes welled up with tears, she didn't want Ivar to leave. 

"Don't cry," he spoke softly, resting his hands on her cheeks, rubbing his thumbs on them, softly. "Amadeus, will you come with me?"

Amadeus looked shocked for a few moments until she regained some composure.

"C-Can I really come with you?" she spoke, softly, not wanting to jinx herself out of anything. 

Ivar's smile widened, "Of course you can. Please, Deus, come with me. I want you to see my home, I want you to live with me."

Amadeus nodded, tears slowly falling from her eyes. Ivar's smile widened even more, if that was possible, as he brought her in for another kiss. He was so happy she was going to come. Now all he needed to do was quit his job, tell his brothers, gather everything, and meet with the witches once again to return home. 

Date: January 24, 2018

The day had arrived, Ivar had quit his job, he had told his brothers (they told the others), and he and Amadeus had gathered everything. Ivar was dressed in his original attire, glad to be rid of the restricting jeans. Amadeus had exchanged her usual jeans and T-shirt for some leather pants and a Viking style shirt, as Ivar had instructed her. He didn't want her to stand out any more than she already would with her half dyed, blue hair and different colored eyes.

 He didn't want her to stand out any more than she already would with her half dyed, blue hair and different colored eyes

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He wanted her to at least dress like his people so they wouldn't suspect that she was a foreigner. He hoped, even if it didn't matter because he'd annihilate them, that his people would accept Amadeus. He hoped that she wouldn't be looked down upon like he was for so many years. He hoped things would be different.

Looking down at his legs, he sighed. Things were much different then what they were months ago. His legs had grown stronger with the physical therapy, he was at a point where he could walk without crutches, but only for short periods of time. He knew that if he was to stay here and continue that he would be able to walk all the time without crutches. 

He was scared that when he returned to his time that his legs would go back to the way they were. He wanted them to stay strong, he had worked so hard to get to this point. He didn't want to revert back to the same person he had been.

Minutes passed in the silent, anxiety-filled car ride and they had arrived at the witches house. Aria sat in the front seat with Lakota, both looking worried for their sister. They looked at the rented house in front of them, wondering what kind of people these 'witches' were.

Ivar moved to get out of the car first, Amadeus following behind him. He knew that he couldn't bring the crutches with him because they were too futuristic. He left them in Aria's caravan and walked with Amadeus's hand in his into the house. His brothers watched in amazement, they would never have thought that this would be possible.

Once inside they were greeted by the sorceresses, the smell of herbal scents filled the air. Ivar and the other Vikings looked around, they saw many different types of dried plants and powders. In the middle of the room, a circle had been painted in blood. It was the same circle Eir had used, not that the brothers knew that.

The witches motioned them forward, having them all stand in the middle of the circle. They started to chant in an ancient language, a hole forming in the circle. The same black hole that brought them there. Suddenly, they all fell into the whole, the tunnel dragging them back to their time. Amadeus held tighter onto Ivars hand, confused as to what was happening.

As if being pucked out of a giant, the group shot out of the hole and onto the ground, where a similar circle from the one in the witches house lay. They looked around, they knew this forest, this was hallowed ground.

They were back in Kattegat. They were home.

The Failed Attempts//Ivar the Boneless [AU]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя