Attempt #14 - Eternal Love?

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United States, Illinois 2018 AD

Date: January 6, 2018

Lakota and Aria's idea was to have Ivar move in with Amadeus

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Lakota and Aria's idea was to have Ivar move in with Amadeus. They had forced him to find a job, so in turn, he found one at a factory. He made screws, nails, other parts, he enjoyed the job enough. He did have times where his anger controlled his actions, but he luckily hadn't killed anyone yet. He brought in half the rent, which Amadeus was pretty happy about. He was mostly happy that he was able to spend so much time with Amadeus. Amadeus enjoyed the fact that Ivar was around more. They both worked early morning shifts, often times Amadeus would walk to his work and walk home with him.

They both enjoyed the time they spent together, learning more about the Viking gods and goddesses and the world as it was now. Ivar perfected his weapons and used some of the tools he used at work to make them sharper and stronger. He was still jealous of the fact that Amadeus would leave suddenly in the middle of the day without telling him. He wanted to ask her about it, but he couldn't bring himself to feel the pain of rejection just yet. So, in a sly attempt to find out where she goes every other afternoon, Ivar followed her. 

The day was cold, snow covered the streets from the previous days of snowfall. Amadeus pulled her winter coat tighter around herself. Her bag filled with workout clothes and shoes shifted at the movement. Ivar followed behind her, his crutches making only a slight amount of noise as he stayed just far enough behind her to not be suspicious. 

Ten minutes passed and Amadeus stood in front of Jerri's Iron Asylum (It sounds like a sex shop *facepalms* .....or BDSM here we come *wink wink*). She opened the door, stepping inside the small gym that was laid out like a dojo. She had started coming to Jerri's after she heard from one of her co-workers that he was a great teacher and it was inexpensive. Jerri was a middle age man who made it his life goal to teach weaker people the ways of self-defense, as he liked to tell Amadeus every time he saw her. Amadeus constantly resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the egotistical male. All in all, Jerri wasn't a bad person, he just was a little too prideful for his own good sometimes. 

Jerri found Amadeus to be a quick learner and enjoyed teaching her new ways to defend herself every time she came by. Jerri, the occasional ass he was, was a seemingly good teacher, that much she could give him credit for. She was in her third week of self-defense classes and was improving an becoming stronger with each lesson. She was proud of herself in her own way, she was happy that she was seeing progress, she didn't feel so helpless anymore. 

Ivar stood outside of the gym, reading the sign over. He had become quite good at reading English since Aria had started to teach him when she could. He was of superior intelligence and caught on quickly, surpassing his native speaking teacher in his newly found, large vocabulary. With each word he read off the sign, he became more and more agitated. What was this place? Why was she going in here?

Ivar, unsure if he should go in, considering he had followed her here without her knowledge, stood outside the door for a little while. Without realizing it, a person had appeared behind him.

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