Attempt #8 - Unforgotten Foe

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United States, Illinois 2017 AD

Date: October 23, 2017

It had been over a month since Ivar and Amadeus had met

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It had been over a month since Ivar and Amadeus had met. The moment that they got to talking, they had gotten along so well that Lakota and Aria pretty much forced him on her. They had had such a hard time talking to him, they were happy that they seemed to be getting along. Ivar had spent most of his time hanging around Amadeus, Avon, and Lander. 

During the, almost, four months that Ivar had been in this new world, he had finally been able to move his legs slightly and only a few weeks ago the doctor had given him something that resembled crutches. 

It was still slightly difficult to move with them, but he was certainly getting the hang of it

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It was still slightly difficult to move with them, but he was certainly getting the hang of it. Amadeus was happy for him and constantly encouraged him to keep going to physical therapy. He had informed her several times that he hated them touching him and he didn't want to go anymore. She always talked some sense into him and would tell him that in no time he'd be walking on his own if he kept going. He, trusting her word as best he could decide that he'd continue going after each bout of temptation to quit. 

Amadeus had developed a bad case of insomnia and spent most nights looking out her apartment window, waiting for when she needed to start getting ready for work. Ivar, having caught her in the midst of her staring session once before, knew of her insomnia and often would stay over and talk with her. He was nice to her, it was against his nature entirely, but he just couldn't seem to stop himself from treating her that way. He could see a part of himself in her, he knew what it was like to be looked down upon. Avon, still worried about her friend, asked Ivar to walk Deus to work every day. Ivar agreed, having nothing better to do.  Ivar and Deus had taken to walking the long way to her work. They enjoyed their small, insignificant conversations and the few heated arguments. Ivar enjoyed the fact that he could be himself, even his rage-filled self, in front of her and she didn't seem to be scared.

12:15 am  

This morning was like any other morning, the cool breeze blew past the both of them as they walk downed the quiet, empty street. They were lost in yet another conversation about the Viking gods and all their stories. Amadeus, not being bound to any faith, found it easy to listen to him talk about his gods without being overcome with anger or amusement. She did find some of their stories odd, but who was she to judge. If Ivar believed in them, then they must be pretty important and useful. He didn't seem like the type of person to be lured in by foolish stories about things that may or may not exist. 

Ivar had taken it upon himself to explain about the All-Father, Odin, today. The All-Father was a descendant of Ymir, the ancestor of all the gods and goddesses. He explained his children and who they were born from. He explained their stories and about their children. Eventually, they had made it to her work and he had to stop, but he didn't want to. He wanted to tell her all about his gods all the time, she was the only person in this world who seemed to accept her. She didn't treat him as a cripple or some kind of freak. She treated him like any other human being and for that, he was slightly grateful. 

8:20 am

Amadeus's shift had ended twenty minutes ago. She had been told to wait for Ivar every day after work, but it didn't seem like he was going to come. She knew she shouldn't head back on her own, especially since what happened the last time she did. But, today she was tired, for the first time in a long time, all she wanted to do was sleep. So, without her better judgment, she started to head home. The fear didn't fully kick in until she was nearing the entrance of the alleyway she had been dragged in a little over a month. Even if it had been a month, a month was not long enough to heal. A lifetime didn't seem a sufficient amount of time to heal. 

She could hear them, she could see them. Before she knew it, she was on the ground. The panic attack had started and she couldn't stop. Why had she decided to walk home alone? It was such a stupid idea and she knew it. She was hyperventilating, she couldn't control anything. It felt like her whole life was falling apart. For nineteen long years, she had been fighting to be free of her demons of the past. She had finally found peace when she moved in with Avon, but now it was all shattering again. Secretly, in the back of her mind, she always knew that all good things must come to an end. She just didn't think it would be this soon.


Ivar didn't mean to not pick Amadeus up from work. He had been preoccupied with his brothers, they had come to get him soon after he got back to Amadeus's apartment. They said that everyone needed to work on making weapons and building fortifications. Ivar knew he couldn't just turn his back on that just for one measly girl so he left. By the time it comes to pick Amadeus up, he was so immersed in his work that he didn't even notice the time. His brothers knew nothing of the arrangement, they didn't tell him that he needed to leave.

6:30 pm

The sun was starting to set, Ivar had finally finished more than enough weapons to keep themselves heavily protected. The fortifications, in the backyard of the sister's house, were close to being finished.When Ivar finally finished and saw that it was starting to get dark, he realized that he forgot to pick up Amadeus from work. With an enormous amount of adrenaline, he rose from his seat, grabbing his crutches and rushed to the door, as fast as he could. His siblings were confused why he was in such a rush, but let it be. 

He forced Aria to drive him to Amadeus's apartment. Once he got there, he practically jumped out of the car, stumbling up the stairs to her apartment door. When he got there, he knocked, waiting for the door to be opened. Minutes later, Lander stood in the doorway, looking down at the smaller male. 

"Ivar," Lander spoke, surprising Ivar, "Where have you been? Amadeus has been worried." 

Ivar stared at him for a few minutes, confused as to why the usually silent Lander was talking to him. Especially about Amadeus, his girlfriends best friend. 

"That's none of your business," he growled out, his anger taking over. How dare this man, he barely knew, question him.

Lander looked at him, his blue-green eyes glaring into Ivar before he shrugged. He didn't care so much as to pry into Ivar's life. Avon had just requested he ask. After she had found Amadeus in a state of shock near an alley by her work, she had taken the day off and brought her home. She was worried about Amadeus, she knew that it wouldn't be easy to heal these wounds. But, she still hoped her friend could hold strong. She didn't want her to revert back to the same person she was less than a year ago. Avon had finally gotten her to stop trying to kill herself. She didn't want all that hard work to go to waste. She was now trying to stop the drug abuse, but this would only make her want to use more. 

Avon knew that Amadeus's control was wearing thin and in no time, she would be out with her druggie friend doing God knows what. All she knew for sure is that whatever drug Amadeus could get her hands on would be gone before even she comprehended it. Avon didn't know if she could go back to dealing with a high Amadeus. Every time she came back high off her ass, she caused Avon so much trouble. Avon didn't mind helping her friend at first, but after the fifteenth time, she started to get annoyed. She didn't understand why her friend was doing this to herself. She couldn't understand what Amadeus could've gone through to make her like this. Little did she know, that she couldn't imagine her suffering as a child, even if she wanted to. It was beyond any sane person's imagination. 

Amadeus had witnessed the Devil.

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