"No, I'm a hundred short." I knew there was no use in pleading for him to understand. He never gave people a second chance. Not when he had so much fun when they screwed up.

"Oh no, then we have a problem." He moved closer to me, his men fanning out behind him. He circled me like a predator, brushing the knife through my hair. I had to hold back a shudder of disgust. Leaning forward, he spoke so his mouth was practically touching my ear. "You know what happens when people can't pay."

I nodded, and as he pulled his mouth away, I felt his tongue swipe my ear. I flinched away from him, making him laugh. It was so much worse being able to feel how much he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

"I'm sure we can come to an arrangement," he continued, his hand brushing my arm as he made his way back in front of me. His eyes traveled the length of my body, pausing on my chest and pelvis. I hated how he looked at me. "Don't you think?"

He grabbed me before I could move, pulling me into his body. He rocked against me, making sure I felt every single inch of him. Gagging, I tried to pull away, but he was too strong. One hand grasped my hair, while the other traveled down my back and onto my butt. I wince as both grips tightened. He leaned forward again to whisper in my ear.

"I've had my eye on you for some time," he told me. "Now, you're mine." He forced me to look at him as he moved down, his lips headed for mine. I heard a loud growl before Romeo jolted away from me, his pain thick in the air.

I stumbled back from him, taking in the scene. Joe had attached himself to Romeo's leg. Romeo bellow in rage and pain. Before I could do anything, he freed his knife again and stabbed at Joe over and over. I cried out, but it was too late. Joe fell to the floor.

Tears streamed down my face as I felt his pain. He was still alive, though. I just had to get to him. I staggered forward, but two of the guys grabbed my arms. Romeo hobbled over to us, kicking Joe one more time on his way. I had never seen him so mad.

"Now, here's what's going to happen," he seethed. "I was going to let it slide and punish you in private in a much more enjoyable manner, but now you get the best of both worlds. I like my women black and blue, anyway." He motioned to the men and they drug me out into the center of the floor. I wracked my brain trying to figure out a way out of this.

Glancing around, I tried to survey my options. A fist connected to my face. I gasped as pain flooded me. Punch and after punch came, I couldn't think. All I could hear was Romeo taunting me, egging them on.

I tried to connect to my powers, but I couldn't focus enough. Something felt off with my head. Another punch to my gut made me gag. It was all I could do not to throw up. I waited for the next one but it never came.

An enormous crash sounded from above as something fell from the ceiling. I tried to open my eyes and was somewhat successful. My left one wouldn't comply. It felt swollen. I gasped at the image in front of me.

An intimidating man stood from a crouch, as if falling from the ceiling was nothing at all. I had never seen him before, but there was something about him that was familiar. His eyes. They were Finn's eyes. He was wearing the same gray uniform as the others when they rescued us.

Romeo gaped at him before ordering his men forward. The Kustos moved. They never touched him. He moved so fast I couldn't keep track of him. One by one, he cut every single one of them down. He turned and headed straight for Romeo. One of the two guys holding me tightened his grip. I yelped in surprise as something cold landed against my neck. The man paused in his stride and glared at the men holding me.

"That would be your last mistake," he told them, his voice deadly calm.

"I think you just made yours," Romeo said, trying to sound confident. "On your knees."

In an instant, I was back with Finn. I was once again being used as a hostage. Helplessness was not an emotion I enjoyed. I wasn't powerless, though. Focusing with everything I had, I pushed the air out, forcing the knife away from my neck. It didn't move a lot, but it was enough.

The man noticed it instantly and made his move. Both men didn't even have a chance. The sound of the knife hitting the floor echoed throughout the stunned warehouse. I would have collapsed on the spot if Peter hadn't been there. Peter? I stared at him with my one good eye, surprised to see him. When did he get here? The other Kustos stood protectively in front of us. Romeo stared at the scene, obviously baffled at the turn of events.

"No, this is my turf," he whined. "You can't just come in here and-. She is mine!" His statement made both of them tense. I could feel Peter's eyes on me, but I couldn't meet his gaze. Not right then.

"No, she isn't," the Kustos stated, walking up to him.

One punch.

One punch was all it took to knock out the mob heir. I was stunned, but a whine quickly drew my attention back to where it was needed the most. Ripping myself out of Peter's grip, I stumbled and fell to my knees beside Joe. He whimpered, blood pooling underneath him. I reached out, intent on healing him, when a hand caught my wrist. I jumped and looked up at the Kustos who was staring at all the gawking runaways.

"Not here," he told me, motioning to Peter. Peter helped me up as the other slung my bags over his shoulder, freeing up his hands to pick up Joe.

Joe cried at the sudden movement, wrenching my heart even more. He was in so much pain. A sob bubbled up. We turned to head to the door when it was suddenly burst open. In strode Caspian, Finn, and an identical copy to the man who had just saved me. No, not quite identical. This one had shorter and lighter hair, and his eyes weren't as harsh.

They all came for me. While a part of me found it creepy that they had found me so quickly, another was overjoyed. No one had ever come for me. No matter how much I prayed and pleaded, no one ever stuck up for me. No one had ever cared enough to.

Caspian and the other twin guarded the door while Finn met us halfway. He glanced at the bleeding dog questioningly, but didn't comment. He came up to my other side, taking some of my weight off of Peter as we headed outside and towards a familiar SUV.

"You just find all sorts of trouble, don't you?" Finn teased, making me laugh, which immediately cut off with a groan. I think my ribs were very bruised or broken. Possibly both.

"Open the back for the mutt," the one huffed, carrying Joe.

"Thank you," I managed to get out, looking at him. I felt surprise from him as he turned to me. "I'm Hadley."

"Ryder," he stated.

"The other identical brick wall is Kent," Finn told me.

Caspian opened the back, and Ryder laid Joe down. I surged forward. The guys made a wall at my back, blocking any curious eyes. I placed both of my hands on him, sending my energy through him.

His heart was still beating, but barely. I pushed everything I had left into him, feeling the wounds closing and everything knitting back together just as it should be. He whined and opened his eyes, glaring at me like always. I smiled as I felt everything growing dimmer. Strong hands caught me as darkness consumed me.

**Read up to Chapter 10 on my Patreon. The link is in my bio! There are also exclusive extra scenes and alternate POVs available there. I hope you guys like the update. Happy Reading! 

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