The big "O" ....Our secret!

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That was my witty retort.

It didn't matter, though, because she leaned in to kiss me. Those strawberry colored lips met mine and my brain went foggy. My entire focus was on the sweet intensity of her mouth. How her tongue tasted like fruit. How her kiss was just as demanding as a mans but in an entirely different way. Her tongue made long lazy swirls against mine and I moaned.....

Her kiss was heaven.

"Come upstairs with me," Mary said, clasping my hand and pulling me up.

"What are we doing?" I yelped. My nerves were jangling.

"Spa day.

I told Micheal we were having a spa day. Girly stuff, he called it," she said and grinned. The smile touched her eyes and transformed her whole face. She looked magical.

"A rare form of beauty, was she truly?" I asked myself and

My cunt answered for me! A thumping, pulsing demand to do as she asked and follow her upstairs.

She tugged me along the hall dotted with family portraits and expensive paintings. The bathroom was enormous like something from a magazine. I had been in the guest bath but the master bathroom was four times the size. In the center was a huge, square tub. Something from a magazine. I had never seen this sort of thing in real life.

So, I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Mary dropped my hand and started the running the water into the square,marble colored tub.

Yep, this was happening. I knew because I felt my hand drift back to my side.

"There's a robe on the door for you," she said, adjusting the hot water and adding some bubble bath. It smelled like lavender flower. My favorite!

"And don't worry, Sara You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You don't have to do anything at all."

I nodded and moved towards the door on my numb legs and took down the silk rainbow robe. As I shed my clothes, I could feel her eyes on me. I could feel the heat shooting from my pussy to my belly and bleeding up into my chest where a flush would be creeping up my skin like a stain. I knew I didn't have to do anything. The truth was, I wanted to. I wanted to do everything I could with Mary.

Something just for me.

My secret.

I barely got the robe tied before she rushed me into the tub.

"Come on, now. Don't be shy. It's just us girls," she said. She smiled as she shucked her skirt and top. Bare of panties or a bra, she was nude before I could get the robe off. Her body was beautiful. Long and lean. Her breasts were large but firm. Her belly slightly soft from having Danny. I liked that. Not a perfect body but a perfectly beautiful body. It gave me courage as I dropped the robe to reveal my own imperfections.

"See how beautiful," Mary said while she laughed, "as if I had any doubts."

I followed her lead and stepped into the tub. The water was the perfect temperature and the bubbles floated around me, cuddling close to my body and filling my head with the scent of a flowers. When she pulled me back against her, I went willingly. I sank back against her wet warm skin and closed my eyes. I soaked in the sensation of soft breasts against my naked back, of the tickle of her pubic hair against my bottom.

Completely new and exotic! The feel of a woman against me.

Seducing Sara (Bi-sexual story) GirlXGirlWhere stories live. Discover now