"Watch the backside." T-Dog warned us.

Rick was able to make an opening in the fence. I motioned for Ryan to go with Abby. I killed a walker before pushing it back and running through the opening. T-Dog and Rick followed my lead and we were all inside the outer fence hallway.

Daryl and Glenn used a wire to patch up the hole in the fence. Walkers from the inside the prison yard started noticing us and coming to the fence. They basically trapped us in a fenced passage between them and outside walkers.

I ran behind Abby making sure that she's keeping up with the group. We came to a door in the fence. Next to it was an upside down vehicle, but it wasn't blocking the entrance.

"It's perfect. If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick up these walkers, we'll take the field by the night." Rick explained.

It's a decent plan except we have to get to the gate and not die in the process. We need someone quick on their feet and someone who can handle any obstacle that comes their way.

"I'll do it. You guys cover me." Glenn suggested.

So it's Korean man to the rescue. Reminds me of the good old Merle hunting days when I was kidnapped and then forced to be around old people. Maybe I should work on the definition of good days.

"No, suicide run." Maggie protested.

I rolled my eyes at her lovey dovey crap. He volunteered for the duty. It was his call. No need to get all emotional and to beg him not to do it. Someone has to so it might as well be someone who knows what they're doing.

"I'm the fastest." Glenn persisted.

"I don't recall there being a running contest. So no one holds that title." I said.

He ran on the streets of Atlanta for a bag of guns and he went on runs. But not once did we test his theory of him being the fastest. For all we know, Lori could be the fastest of us all. Despite being pregnant.

"No, you, Maggie, Josephine and Beth draw as many as you can over there. Pop them through the fence. Daryl, Ryan, go back to the other tower, Carol, you became a pretty good shot, take your time cause we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel, you, Abby and Carl take this tower. I'll run for the gate." Rick retorted.

Everyone ran for their assigned positions and I stood in Rick's way. He furrowed his eyebrows as I crossed my arms over my chest. He's our leader, we need him alive and kicking. I'm not saying he can't do this, but the stakes are high.

"You do realize that if you screw up, we're all dead?" I inquired.

We're a strong group and a strong group requires a strong leader. Rick has been successful in keeping us alive for this long. We can't lose him now, even if he is basically a dictator. His temper had worsened since killing Shane.

"Your concern is touching." He said.

He walked past me and I noticed a ghost of a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and huffed. Lately his remarks were equally as sassy as mine. That just won't work. I'm the adorable, sarcastic and wonderful one in the group.

We yelled at the walkers trying to get their attention. It was a successful task. Their rotting faces came to the fence as they snarled at us. I really don't want to look like this when I die. Someone should make sure that they stab me in the head before I turn into them.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Rick running for the gate. He wasn't that bad. I gripped my machete and stabbed walkers through the fence. This way we're clearing the yard and helping Rick close the gate. I still think it was foolish to let our leader go on a suicide mission though.

I yelled at the walkers for them to look at me yet they ignored my shouts. Their attention was on Rick. However, he was still able to close the gate and enter a tower. I can't believe he actually did it and didn't get hurt.

"Light it up."


The courtyard was filled with green grass and dead bodies. The stench that filled the air was a bit of a downer yet a content smirk was on my face. We actually took over this field. After months, we finally got a win.

I put my machete in its holster as I tried to take it all in. T-Dog's cheer filled the air as we all entered the yard. It wasn't long until night fell and we built a fire to keep us warm. I joined Daryl on top of the vehicle in front of the gate that we came in.

Holding watch was a lot more fun than having to socialize with the group. Besides, knowing Abby and Ryan are safe is more than enough to keep me going. It's been that way since the beginning.

"We should tell them." Daryl commented.

I looked at him a little startled by his voice. We usually spent most of the watch in silence. I was puzzled by his words. He glanced at the group and I furrowed my eyebrows. I don't understand his question.

"Tell them what?" I asked.

He looked at me and stepped closer. His hand slid down from my elbow to my hand. I intertwined our fingers liking the warmth they provided. Ever since the farm, he had changed for the better. I just didn't know if I could keep up.

"About us, that we're together." Daryl replied.

I tensed at the mention of a relationship between me and him. It was a conversation I dreaded having. I like Daryl, I do, but I don't want to ruin what we have for a label. I've never had a boyfriend, not officially. All of this feels new to me.

"Daryl, I don't do... dating. You do understand that, right? What we have is great, but it's just sex." I said.

He frowned at my words and let go of my hand. I shifted uncomfortably knowing he wouldn't understand. I like him, but I don't love him.

How can I? I've only known him for a few months, a year perhaps. And I've spent a while of it hating him.

"Look, it doesn't mean that I don't care about you. It just means that I'm not ready for a relationship." I explained.

He nodded acknowledging my words. I wanted him to understand that it wasn't because of him or someone else. My brain is just wired that way. It's not like I've had a lot of examples of happy couples while growing up.

"Okay. Just promise me you'll think about it." Daryl said.

My breath hitched at his plead. I already thought about it and I'm not ready for that step. Committing yourself to someone is something I've never done before. Not in a romantic way.

It's not something I plan on doing either. Yet this man stood in front me who wanted even a slim hope of it happening in the future.

And how could I say no when a part of me wondered what it would be like, too.

"I promise."

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