I am crushed

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Ok so I was on YouTube watching greaser stuff and I found a video that said rob Lowe on Patrick on the outsiders or something like that. So I'm like ok I'll watch this. So I'm watching it and rob was at a pizza place and some guys was having him sign outsiders pics ok which excited me and then he pointed out something ok. Imma put this pic right here and tell me if y'all can tell me what's off.

Ok I think I have held the information long enough

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Ok I think I have held the information long enough. Look at Patrick Swayze's aka Darry's feet. What's he standing on? Bricks. Why? To make himself look taller. So that got me thinking. Well their all pretty tall guys. And I'm thinking Patrick swayze is like this towering god like person at at lest 6ft so I got curious which for me is never a good thing. So Patrick swayze was only 5 ft 10 inches tall. So I'm thinking how tall are all of them. I knew that t cruise was like 5ft 7 inches which is about my height. And here are all their heights.

Matt Dillion- 6 ft
Patrick swayze- 5ft 10
Rob Lowe- 5 ft 11
Thomas Howell- 5ft 11
Ralph Macchio- 5ft 9
Tom cruise- 5ft 7
Emilio Estevez- 5ft 7

Wow. Looking at their heights crushes me. I honestly look at these guys and think. They are so tall. They are this and that and then I actually look at the tricks used by the film business and by them to make them look taller and the facts laid out beside me and I'm like, no this isn't true. These guys are larger then life and it just makes me think. I don't know guys. It's just my thoughts. I wanted to share the new information with y'all but it's just kinda bumming me out now. I mean I love them with all my heart but I just can't believe this. Y'all know the saying curiosity killed the cat. Well there's a second part that I don't think many people know and that's satisfaction brought it back. Well the curiosity got to me so I dug deeper and got kinda sad and shocked then I got satisfied and better when I think about how amazing they are and everything else. Guys i dont know why but this has just been the way I have been for the past few weeks, and I honestly have no idea why. It's not for attention. I think it's just that pieces of outsider reality is hitting me and finally sinking in. Since my birthday I have just been kinda bummed out and been thinking about these kinda things a lot. I dont know guys I'll stop bothering y'all for now. I promise I'll do a real update soon guys. Bye for now y'all!! Don't forget to do it for Johnny.

Stay gold

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