You stole my heart (Dallas Winston imagine)

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This was for Jtboccardo I hope you enjoy!!

"Hey doll what's hanging?" Dal asked as he walked into the Curtis house. I had been there all day playing around with anyone who happened to be there. I had nothing to do all day except goof off. "Nothing much dal just waitin on you to show up." I said with a giggle. He laughed a little. "Instead of hanging around here with these idiots why don't you take a walk with me.'' He said. "Might as well." I told him standing up. "Hey we ain't idiots!" Two-bit chimed in. "Ok then this is a test. If. You fail it then you truly are a idiot." Dallas told two-bit. "Ok what's nine plus ten?" "Twenty-one." Pony faceplamed at this. "Next question. Who is our president?" "Mickey Mouse!!" I faceplamed at this. "Last but not least. Who is the tuffest greaser in all of Tulsa?" "Uhhh....Y/N? No that's not it. Give me a second..... Oh yea it's Steve! Definitely Steve!!" "Yea he's a idiot." Dallas said while walking out the door. I followed him. "So hows the day been treating ya?" Dallas asked. "Same as always." I replied. We walked all the way to the lot. We were sitting down on the old car seat talking about everything under the sun when the topic of how alike Dallas and i were. "I mean we both like going to the movies, hanging out with the gang, getting a little to wild at bucks on a Friday and Saturday night, and not to mention stealing." He said. I agreed with everything he said except the stealing part. I had never stolen anything in my life and he knew that. I gave him a funny look. "Dallas I've never stolen anything in my life. You know that." "Your wrong Y/N/N." I looked at him with a questioning look. "What have I stolen dal?" "My heart." He said playing with the chain of his Christopher. I just looked at him not knowing what to say. I laughed a little to myself. "What's so funny?" He asked. "That I could steal the toughest hood in Tulsa's heart and not even know that i did." I told him. He looked over at me. "Well ya did." We were both quite for a few minutes. "Look I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I really like you a lot. And I don't wanna screw my chance if there even is one up like i have every other relationship that i have ever been in." Dal rambled. "So what downs that mean?" I asked him. "It means i wanna take things slow. I don't wanna go so fast that we fall and break our necks trying to see how far we can get and how fast we can get there. I wanna go slower than what I usually do. I want us to enjoy all the beautiful scenes that there are to see. What I'm saying is that we should start with a date and taking things from there." I nodded as he talked. "So would you like to go to the dingo the the nightly double with me sometime?" He asked hopefully. "I would love to dal." I told him leaning over and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Finally" I thought to myself as Dal and I continued to talk about everything that possibly came to either one of our minds. Telling stories, pondering life's biggest questions like how in the world someone could get up so high to graffiti a bridge. And anything else we could think of. We talked into the late hours of the night just enjoying each others company.

Hey y'all thanks for reading. This is the first imagine that i actually got to write and post on my new iPad!! So all of the requests that were commented on my last post are all written down in order of them getting commented so if you are wondering how many more imagines until i post yours just look at who the one that I had just posted was for and then count how many until yours. Writing them as they were commented seemed like the most fair way since i can't remember who requested what first. So i will have the next one up as soon as I can. Hope y'all enjoyed this and i will update soon!!!

Stay gold 

The outsiders imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora