I really like you (Dallas Winston)

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This is for that_1_mistfit_scar hope you enjoy!!!!

I walked to the Curtis house with one of my good friends Ponyboy and my brother Johnny after school. "No Pony I'm telling you that the correct answer was 24." Johnny argued. "No its not Johnny. The answer was 69." Pony argued back. "Let's just drop it we will figure it out when we get the tests back." Johnny told him waving his hand. I knew johnny got the right answer because i took the same test and i got 24 to but i wasn't going to say that. I'm fifteen years old and I'm in the same classes as my brother and Pony. Do i like that. Sometimes, other times its miserable. "No I'm not going to drop it johnny. Scar you took the test what did you get for number 5?" Pony asked me. "24" I replied timidly. "Your joking right." He asked. I shook my head. He laughed and nodded his head thinking johnny and i were both crazy. "Scar how was school? Even though were are all in the same classes." Johnny asked trying to change the subject off the test. "Same as always got called greaser trash and that I'm worthless. And that I'm a freak." I replied moving some of my coal black hair out of my face. "Sis they just don't understand you that's all. Your so tuff that you scare them that's all. With your nose ring  and the two on your lips. And the kind of earrings that you wear anyway." Johnny told me. "Their not wrong. I am a freak. I mean look at me. The way i talk. The way i dress the way even the way i look. I just stand out to much from normal greasers. I stand out so much from even you guys." I told him. "No you don't. You and dal match. You both wear black cloths. And jean jackets." Johnny said but i cut him off. "And that's wear the similarities end johnny and you know that. Dal and i just don't get along for some reason even though i want to. He just doesn't think getting along with me is worth the effort." I told johnny. Pony was still walking beside us but he didn't really have much information to input into this conversation about school that has now spiraled out of control and is still spiraling. "He likes you he really does. He just doesn't know how to get along with you very well. "I'm sure he does." I told him as we walked through the front gate and up the steps into the Curtis house. Soda and Steve were sitting on the couch watching something that wasn't Mickey Mouse for once. "Hey Scar how was your day?" Soda asked as I plopped down on the couch beside him. "Same as always." I replied. "Well what did you learn?" Steve asked. "That I'm a freak and greaser trash. Oh and don't forget worthless!!" I replied. "Don't let those Socs get to ya Scar." Soda told me reassuringly. "Soda that's a good thought but those were greasers who told me that." "Well those greasers are freaks." Steve told me. Steve and Soda are my best friends. They know the daily struggles of being me. Soda understands. Pony and Johnny were in the kitchen still discussing the test answer when Dallas walked in looking for them. "Hey Scar where your brother and the dweeb?" "Kitchen." "Good come with me."Dal commanded. "What why?" "Just don't question it." He replied dragging me out the door. "What do you want Dallas?" I questioned. "I want to talk." "About what?" I asked trying to match his stride. "Johnny told me something that made me think." "What did he tell you?" I asked. "That you like me. Like, like like me." I went silent and any nerve i had in me at that moment was gone. The fear of god replaced the nerve that i had. "Don't worry I like you to." "Really" I asked. The nerve and confidence coming back to me. "I have for a while." He informed me. I looked at him. "So you wanna go to bucks with me tomorrow night?" He asked me. Inside i was screaming like a little girl on the outside i was as cool as i had ever been. "Might as well got nothing better to do." I replied cooly. "Good. We better get back to the house. I told pony and your brother that we would go to the nightly double tonight." I nodded. We walked back to the house. When we got back pony, Johnny, Dal went to the nightly double while I stayed with soda and Steve playing cards, watching tv, and eating chocolate cake. I couldn't wait for tomorrow night.

Hey y'all i hope you guys liked this. Two updates in one day so far and i am so proud of myself! I'm going to try to get as many updates as possible done today. Then my goal after i get my requests done is to get one of my other books updated. If y'all haven't you guys should check them out while you wait for the next update on here!!! I'll update soon!!

Stay gold

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