Dally imagine requested

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This imagine is for DallysDoll hope u like it.

"Come on I told you two it wasn't a good idea to be out here this late without one of the guys." I told pony and Johnny as we walked down the dark, poorly lit street back to pony's house. "Rose we ain't met a Soc yet what are you so worked up about?" Pony asked. "They are all over the place at this time of night. I didn't want to chance it!" I told them. "Why didn't ya just head out before us then?" Pony asked. "Cause I didn't want to go by myself smartie." I snapped back at him. "I'm glad you two get along so good." Johnny cut in. "Thanks johnnycake." I said with a smile. "What are ya chicken?" Pony asked. He started making chicken noises. "No genius. I'm just smart." I told him. I was ready to bite his head off when I heard the dreaded sound of a mustang behind us. I'm really good with cars and can tell what kind of car is behind me. "Don't look now. But walk faster there's a mustang trailing us." I told pony and Johnny walking a little faster. Then I heard the door slam. "What's a girl like you doing with greasers like these?" A Soc asked walking up behind us. I ignored him and kept walking with my hands in my pockets and a death grip on my switch. "I'm talking to you sweetheart!" The Soc said grabbing my shoulder and turning me around. "Well I figured I would just save ya the trouble and keep walking." I said. "You're my kind of trouble." The Soc said. I looked over at pony and Johnny. Then I looked behind the Soc. He had friends. "Come with me sweetheart." The Soc said sternly. I punched him right in the gut. His friends started punching pony and Johnny. I went after them with my blade. The first Soc had done backed off. I was still fighting the others when I seen the blue lights. I told pony and Johnny to beat it outta there. To go tell Darry he would get me out. "Put your hands in the air!!! Drop the blade!!!!" The cop yelled at me. I dropped my blade and did as he said. I was beaten up pretty bad from the beating the Socs and I gave each other. The cop put the handcuffs on me and threw me into the back of the cop car. I didn't say a word. When we got to the station the three me into a holding cell. A cop came to the cell that I was in. "It's not everyday we get a girl grease in here." The cop said with a smirk. I got up walked over to the cop. "It's not everyday that I get caught and put in here for defending myself and friends." I said. Them started off to the cop. The cop stood there and drove me insane for a little bit. "Don't I get a phone call!!!????" I finally yelled at him after several minutes of me pacing the cell. "Thought you'd never ask. Come with me." The cop said opening the cell and putting cuffs on me than leading me to a phone. I called the Curtis house and soda answered. "Hello." Sodapop said. "Soda let me talk to Darry." I said with urgency in my voice. He gave the phone to Darry. "Hey rose. What's wrong." Darry asked. "Look I need you to come get me outta the cooler!" I said quickly. "What did you do?" He asked. "Pony and Johnny were supposed to tell ya. I got put in here saving their butts from Socs. Now please come get me!!!" I told him. "Ok I'll be down there as soon as I can. I'll bring dal with me." He said. "Thanks dar. Bye." I said. "Bye rose." He said before I hung up the phone. The cop took me back to the cell and left me alone. I sat in there for about 20 minutes. When the cop came back. "Come on someone's here to get ya." The cop said. He took me to the lobby where Darry and dally were waiting on me. I ran over and hugged them. The cop pointed a finger at me. "If we ever catch you again you ain't getting out so easy." The cop said bitterly. I just nodded my head and walked out the door with Darry and dally. "I have to go to work. Rose rose with Dallas back to the house." Darry said. I nodded my head and got in bucks t-bird with Dallas. "Pony and Johnny told me what ya did. It took guts." Dal said while we pulled out of the parking lot. "As a reward I'll take ya on a date tomorrow night. We'll go to the nightly double." Dal said looking over at me. "Sounds like a good time" I said looking at him.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip to the next night~~~~~~

"Come on rose ya ready to go?" Dal yelled while walking into the Curtis house. "Ya dal I'm ready to go." I said grabbing my leather jacket. I had on a pair of skinny jeans with holes all along the left leg and a skin tight black t-shirt. "Man you sure know how to dress up for a date." Dallas said jokingly as we walked to the nightly double. A beach movie was playing when dal and I slid under the hole in the fence. We walked to the seats and started watching the movie. Dal had his arm around my shoulder and my head was layers over on him when two Soc girls sat down in front of us. "I'm gonna go get some popcorn want anything?" I asked dal. He shook his head no. I got up and walked to the concession stand. I got my popcorn and was going back to my seat when dal was flirting with the redhead Soc. I got mad at seeing this."WHAT THE HECK DALLAS!!!! I yelled at him. I threw my popcorn at him then ran out of the nightly double. Dal must have followed me. "What was that all about back there rose?" He asked. "You were flirting with that red head when you were on a date with me. I know I should expect it if I'm gonna go out with you but that broad was a Soc!!" I yelled at him. "Come to bucks with me." He said. "What?" I asked him. "Come to bucks with me." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Well you look pretty mad and it looks like you could use a drink." Dal said. He was right I could use a drink. I know I'm only 16 but I do drink. "I'll go. Not because I'm not mad at you but because I could use a drink." I told him. "Alright." He said raising his hands up in defeat. We walked to bucks. It was really loud when we got in. We walked over to the bar and got a few drinks. I started drinking my beer and so did Dallas. "Come with me." Dal said grabbing my hand. He lead me to his room. "What are we doing in here?" I asked. "Making up." He said. Before I could say something dal cut me off by kissing me. It was just da nice actually. I kissed back. "We good now?" He asked with a smirk. I nodded my head and kissed him again. I stayed with dal all night. I liked being with him. It was fun. Dal is always doing something to make me laugh or actually feel something.

Hey y'all!! Hope u liked this. I'm taking requests. Just message me or comment if u want one.  If y'all are entering the contest I need to know today. By midnight preferably but I will accept people until 9AM tomorrow morning.  I need all imagines that are being entered in by this coming Thursday. Thanks y'all so much for reading please comment and tell me what y'all think. I will update soon!!! Bye for now!!!!

Stay gold

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