Curtis soster imagine part 2 requested

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This is for mermaidmelody99 hope you liked it.

About 9 in the morning the lady came to get me. It was really sad.  I tried putting up a fight on going with her but she took me against all our protests. I had everything the guys gave me plus some cloths.  I didn't take much cause I knew I would be back home soon. I hugged them all goodbye and sadly left. We drove not to long. Great.  We drove right into Soc territory. This is not gonna be good. We pulled right up to a house and the social worker got out of the car and walked to the door. She told me to stay inside the car. She knocked on the door and bob and Randy answered the door. Oh no!!! Please do not let this be my stop.  As I was watching the social worker and a woman talk Bob and randy walked over and told me to roll down the window. "Hey look I got a greaser!!" Bob said with a laugh.  "Not just any greaser you got the Curtis prodigy child!" Randy told him. I rolled my eyes annoyed. "What your name Curtis?" Bob asked.  "Kahleia." I stated plainly. "That's a different name for a greaser." Randy said. "Yea. Yea. Whatever." I said. "Come get your bags and you can come inside. I grabbed the bags I had. Bob grabbed them for me. We met the social worker at the door saying her goodbyes to who I assumed was bob's mom. The social worker said goodbye and went to her car. "Hello Kahleia my name is Mary. This is my son bob and his friend Randy." Mary said with a smile. "Come on let's show you to your room." Mary said. I smile at her. It was the fakest smile I have ever smiled.  We walked into a room that was covered in pink. "What do ya think?" Marry asked with a smile. "Well its pink...." I said. I didn't really know what to say. Pink is not my favorite color. It's my least favorite color. Bob and Randy chuckled behind me. "Well ma we gotta go meet cherry and Marcia. Bye Kahleia." Bob said before heading out the door. "Well Kahleia would you like me to help you unpack?" Mary asked. "Sure."  I said. All I really wanted  if I couldn't be with my brothers or the gang was be alone. I can't stand this I hope Darry does something fast. I grabbed one of my bags and started putting stuff into a drawer. "So. I heard you are really good in school. What grade are you in?" Mary asked.  "I'm in tenth but I'm supposed to be in middle school still.  I get such good grades but I hate school." I said. "Oh.  I see. Well do you have any family?" Mary asked. "Yea. Three brothers and our bunch of friends who are all like family. They gave me this necklace and locket and bracelet." I said. "You must mean a lot to them. Can I see the picture that's in the locket?" Mary asked. I opened up the locket so she could see the picture. "Aww. Is that one of your brothers?" She asked. "No ma'am it's my best friend Johnny Cade." I said. I was putting clothes into the dresser. "Oh I see. Is there a name engraved on the bracelet?" Mary asked. "Yes. On the car Steve is engraved and on the horse my name is engraved." I said.  "That's nice what about all those other charms?" She asked. "They represent all of us. Our whole group of friends." I said.  She nodded her head like she understood but I'm sure she didn't. "So you guys are like a gang or something?" She asked. "You could call us that." I said. "What about the Minnie Mouse necklace. It looks lIke half a heart." Marry said. "It is. Two-bit gave me that. He like Mickey Mouse.  His half is a Mickey Mouse." I said. "That's nice. Do you have a picture of you and your brothers and friends?" Mary asked. "Yea. It's right here." I said handing her the picture. I pointed everyone out and told her who they were. Then bob walked in the door.  "Hey ma. Hey Kahleia." He said.  He told me everything he said like I wasn't a greaser if his mother was around. When his mother wasn't around he was a harsh as if I was just this random greaser girl he found on the streets. Bob was determined to turn me into a Soc. The sad thing was I think it's working. Bob and Randy would take me to the beer blasts like all the other Socs and get me so drink that I couldn't walk. That's where I spent my 13th birthday. Time passed and I had never heard a word from any of the guys.  A day would go bye, then a week, then a month, then soon it was a year.  After a while I lost all hope that they were coming for me. Soon I even forgot about my greaser ways and started hanging out with cherry and Marcia and the other Soc girls.  My life wasn't as hard as it used to but it was still hard. I still wore my locket, bracelet, and necklace everyday just in case.  I even started helping the Socs jump people I used to call friends and fight in rumbles against my gang and Tim shepherds gang without them even knowing. The Socs started calling me Ghost.

Flash forward 5years

I spent the next 5 years of my life living the Soc life. When I was 18 I moved out of Mary's house into one just down the street. I still wore the locket, necklace, and bracelet that they guys had given me. My car was just about out of gas so I stopped by the dx. I walked in to pay for my gas when I walked in the whole gang was there. I knew they didn't recognize me. After all I had changed a lot in the past five years. The only thing the same was my birth name and the locket necklace and bracelet I wore every day, to everywhere I went.  I walked over to soda. I figured I would mess with them a little bit. I walked over to Johnny first. He had changed some. "Hey Johnnycakes how ya been?" I asked with a smile. They all looked at me like I was crazy. Then I seen the chain around Two-bits neck. I walked over to him and yanked the chain so that I could get a hold of the Mickey. I held the Mickey up to Minnie as they formed a heart. "I think I found your Minnie!!" I said with a smile. At this all the guys started hugging me and smiling. "We thought you were gone for good.  We tried to get you back but everyone told us that you didn't want to come back to us." Darry said. "Why would I not want to comeback to you guys? I have missed y'all so much. " I told them. "Well that's what we thought to but everyone said they seen you running around with the Soc crowd.  Said you looked a lot like the girl who has been jumping all of the greasers. Said the Socs called her ghost." Soda said. Dally didn't really say anything. "Well truth is guys I'm ghost. They made me do it though. I had fought in rumbles against y'all and you never knew it. I'm sorry for that. I have missed you guys so much." I said starting to cry. They all hugged me. Then bob walked in the door. And so did our whole crowd of friends.  "Sorry to break up this happy reunion but we need our girl back." Bob said. Then one of our "friends" walked over and put his arm around me.  "Come on ghost." He said. My car was still parked out front. I looked at them for a second. "Take my car, take my house, take anything I have got in the past five years and you can have it." I said holding out the keys to my car. "I'm going to stay with my family." I said walking back over to darry and hugging him tight.  They didn't take the keys to the car or my house. "Fine. Stay with these filthy greasers sweetheart. But you will regret it. And when you try to come back to us crying because of it we will not take you back." Bob said walking out the door with everyone behind him. I threw the keys to my house at them. One of them picked them up. They wanted it more than I did. I gave all the guys a hug.  I went back to the house with my family. I still don't regret the decision of staying with the gang no matter how bad I am treated by the Socs.  I love the greaser life. I wouldn't change anything that I have did since I came back to my home with the gang and my brothers. It's just the way I was born. I can't change it. No one can.  I'm still the tuffest greaser in all of Tulsa. 

Hey y'all. Hope u guys liked this.  Please comment and tell me what y'all think. Just comment or message me for a request or if y'all have any questions for the greasers just message me or comment  for those to. It's really late so I'm just gonna keep it short. I'll update soon. Bye for now!!!

Stay gold

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