Sodapop imagine

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This was for lyssaa_12 hope u like it!!

"Bro stop!!" I yelled at my older brother two-bit. He didn't stop. "Come on I mean it leave me alone!" I yelled again. "That's it I'm outta here!" I yelled standing up and walking out the door and to the dx. "Hey Alyssa! What's up." Soda exclaimed happily as I walked through the door. "Nothing much what about you?" I asked him. "Just waiting for a pretty girl with brown eyes like you to come in the door." He says with a smile. "You think I'm pretty?" I asked soda. "Who wouldn't?" Sodapop responded. "Lots of people." I muttered. "Well I'm not one of those people." Soda said jumping over the counter and closing the gap between us, before pulling me into a kiss. I was shocked at first but kissed back. We were lost in our own little world until we heard Steve and Dallas say something. "Finally." Steve yelled. Dallas chuckled and beat his own record for saying something dirty. My cheeks were as red a fire truck and sodas was starting to heat up to. Dallas and Steve burst into laughter and walk out. Dallas muttered something as he walked out about leaving us to it. Soda and I laughed at them as soda bit his lip nervously. "So will you be my girl?" Soda asked. "You bet." I said pulling him in for another kiss.

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