Like I could drown your demons (Johnny Cade)

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This is for @woahits_bae I hope you enjoy this!!

"Bye guys I'll see y'all later." I told Steve, Soda, Darry, and Dal as I slipped my leather jacket on and walked out of the Curtis house. I really didn't want to go home just yet though. I hated going home at night so I would just walk around with one of the gang. I figured someone would be at the lot. So that's where I went. As I walked around the corner to walk into the lot i seen to a little fire in front of the old car seat. I didn't even care who it was i just wanted some company. I plopped down on the old car seat startling the person who was sitting there. I instantly knew that it was Johnny. I could tell he had been crying. "Hey Johnny." I said startling him a little more. "Oh hey Halle." Johnny said relaxing a little. "You ok johnnycakes?" i asked him. He just nodded. I knew better than that and he knew it. "Ok fine. My parents were fighting again and I walked into the house at the wrong time so they....they  beat me." He admitted. I hugged him and pulled him close. It made my blood boil thinking about those monsters of parents he had. Mine weren't so good either. They fought all the time but at least the didn't take it out on me like they do johnny. I would honestly rather someone beat me till I'm half dead then for them to take any anger out on Johnny. Johnny's two years older than me and I still feel like in some way or another that i can make all of his problems go away. I have liked him for a while but I'm sure that he only sees me as a kid even though two years younger isn't that big of a difference. For the longest time we sat there me holding onto him like i can drown all his demons. Like they don't know how to swim, or that they weren't  circling just below the surface with the sharpest knives that they could get ahold of to attack us both. After a while his breathing evened out and I figured he was asleep. I told him something that I would never have the guts to tell him if i even thought that he was awake. "God I love you Johnny Cade. More than what you could ever imagine. More than as a friend or even a best friend. A deeper love then that. Something that I know that neither one of us have ever felt from anyone except in out dreams." Johnnys eyes opened and he looked up at me. He smiled a small smile. "You really mean that." I nodded my head yes horrified that he actually heard me confess my feelings for him. "I'm glad because i feel the same way." Johnny said sitting up and kissing me. I was shocked to say the least. I mean Johnny Cade the last person I thought who would have even liked me more than a friend. For the rest of the night Johnny and I didn't leave our spots on the old car seat. We fell asleep in each other's arms in front of the small fire on the car seat and woke up in each other's arms still on the car seat in front of the burning red hot coals of what had previously been a fire.

Hey y'all thanks for reading!!! I hope y'all enjoyed this. First off three updates in one day so far we all need a round of applause for that or something!! Ok I'm crazy guys. I'm going to try to update very soon. when i have no idea but I will do it soon! I'm still working on requests so yay!! I just made this awkward. So imma just post this then go write the other imagines that i gotta write. Ya so bye!!

Stay gold

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