1. New roomate, old friend

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"That will be $24.90," the cashier said as I got out my card out to pay for my things.

"Thank you have a nice day," I replied and realized how much stuff I bought.

"You too honey," The cashier smiled as she moved on to the next customer.

Groceries, check. Willpower to carry these back, not checked.

I sighed as I tried carrying all the bags at once. Man these are heavy, why'd I have to buy so much stuff?

"Need help with those?" A man asked me as I was exiting the store.

"No, it's ok. I think I'll be fine, thank you," I declined politely then proceeded to walk a little faster than usual.

"Look up." The man said just as I was about to leave the store.

"I already told you I don't need any help- Minho what are you doing here? I thought you weren't supposed to come back for another week," I asked him astonished by the fact he's standing right in front of me.

"Yeah I was but I finished my meetings quicker than expected so I took the first flight back home. Ok well since you don't need any help with the bags I guess I'll just leave," He said walking out the store.

"Wait! I might need some help," I admitted gesturing towards all the bags.

"That's what I thought," He chuckled as he took the bags out of my hand.

"I didn't mean all of them. Give me a bag," I ordered sternly.

"Nope. Gentlemen should always help the lady, don't you think?" He asked in a teasing voice.

"Then why are you helping?" I giggled out.

"Fine I guess you don't need my help. Here, take your bags," He made his way towards the exit and dropped all the bags in my arms.

"Fine sorry. Happy? Now help me carry these bags!" I shouted.

"Still making heads turn at the grocery store I see." He grabbed the bags yet again paying no attention to the stares we were receiving.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I pushed him out of the store trying to leave as quickly as possible.

He chuckled as we started walking to my house. I could feel his eyes on me the entire walk home.

"What?" I asked adding a little giggle at the end.

"Nothing. It's just I haven't seen you in so long and the first thing we do is carry groceries to your house." He looked a little sad almost disappointed.

"It's been a month that's nothing compared to that one year we couldn't see each other because you went on a family vacation, and then had a business trip, and then a business vacation with your co-workers, and lastly your flight got delayed a week cause of a storm and you didn't have anywhere to go so you slept over at my friends house."

"Yeah I remember that year, it was hard. Also about not having a place to stay, my brother might've sorta kinda kicked me out, and I might've sorta kinda told your parents that I'm staying with you, and my stuff might sorta kinda be already unpacked in your guest room. But just a maybe sorta kinda thing, you know?"

"Yeah, I know your brother called me when I was leaving the house. But why'd you get kicked out in the first place?"

"Oh, cause I kissed his girlfriend. Nothing big," He replied in a very calm tone.

"Are you crazy? You could've gotten killed!" I screamed at the idiot.

"Relax I didn't now unlock your door my hands are getting tired," He started whining.

Weird, I didn't even notice we were home.


Ok, so that was the first chapter hope you guys liked it. Until next time my lovelies 💕💕

Forgetting You | SHINee Minho FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang