👑 Chapter 30 - Survivor

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"You sure you don't want to come along and hang out with Bret and Jessie?" Dad asked me as I laid back fumbling with my phone in my hand.

"I'm sure. Its not like I'll be able to do much over there. I'm just gonna stay here and practice some keys," I said. "Maybe talk with Nellie for a bit."

Dad and Inna explained to us how they believe our mom's parents are most likely the ones who are sending us threats and stuff. It kind of scares me how they just blame us and still want us dead.

"You and Nellie got something going on?" Dad asked.

I blushed and looked down. "Well....."

"Ohhh, I knew it," Dad teased. "You really do like her."

I sighed and buried my head in my pillow. "Yeah, I like her, but I doubt she feels the same."

"What do you mean?" he asked as I felt him sit next to me.

"Dad, look at me. I'm blind!!" I said, sitting up and pulling the glasses off my face. "I don't even know what she looks like!!"

"Son, that shouldn't mean anything," he said. "Her heart is more important than her face if you ask me."

"Yeah, but she probably just feels sorry for me anyway," I sighed, holding back tears.

"I doubt it. And if she does and that's why she's talking with you, then forget her, she isn't worth your time," He said.

I sighed.

"How about this?" Dad said. "When we get back to Cali, how about taking her out, maybe both of you can go to lunch or something."

"You think?" I asked.

"Of course. Get to know her," He said.

I took a deep breath when suddenly I felt my phone ring.

I handed it to my dad to see who it was.

"Speaking of which," he chuckled. "Its Nellie."

I nodded and I hear the soft click of the answer button before he places the phone in my hand.

"Hello?" I asked as I then heard footsteps leave the room.

"Hi Jack," Nellie's voice said. "How's the tour?"

"Its going great," I smiled as we continued.


"Call us if anything comes up," Inna said as I pulled my jacket on in my room.

"Don't worry, I will," I said as I hugged her. "See you soon."

"Have fun, be careful," she said as I exit the room and head to the living room area where CC and Jinxx are this close to tearing each other's heads off over Mario Kart 8, (Looks like Jinxx is in the lead).

"GOD, STOP FUCKING THROWING BANANAS AT ME!!!" CC screeched as Jinxx laughed evily.

I then saw as Bret and my dad just watching.

"You're both enjoying the show?" I chuckled.

"Its actually very oddly entertaining," Dad said.

"You should see what happens when they launch a bomb," Bret laughed. "Like.... Now."

"Jinxx, no, NO, NOO, AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" CC screamed at the top of his lungs as his player blew up and was knocked back a few more places, almost last.

Jinxx laughed hysterically as he kept speeding in second, catching up to first as Andy and Ashley walked in with food.

"Remind me again why I got that game?" Ashley sighed as Andy shrugged.

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