Chapter Thirty-One (Prologue)

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Walking through the corridors of the hospital, I knock onto Doctor Stanley's door. He says come in so I open the door.

He's typing away on his computer screen with his glasses on the tip of his nose.

"You coming out for your break?" I ask him leaning my head against the frame of the door.

"I won't be out for another hour so I'll take my break then" Not arguing with him I nod my head and leave him alone at peace to do his work.

Putting my hand inside my pocket I realise that I forgot my phone in my room. Shoot, I need to go back and get it.

Speed walking my way back to my room I unlock it with my key and see the light of my phone on- someone must be calling me.

Looking at the screen I see Mable's name. immediately picking the phone up I say hi to her.

"Guess what...the owner of the restaurant wants to give me the manager's position!" Mable screams into the phone while letting out a scream.

I can't help but smile and jump up and down on the spot. Oh my God, this is so good! I knew Mable would get this.

"Everyone's coming over for dinner, please could you come as well?" She asks with a small plead in her voice.

"Of course I'll come Mable. My shift is actually coming to an end now as well"

"You coming home early today?" She asks as I take off the one sleeve of my white coat.

"Yeah. I had some time which I built up from before so might as well put it to use"

"I'll see you soon"

"See you" Cutting the phone off I make sure everything is locked up in the room and lock the door behind me.

On my way out Doctor Stanley tells me that he'll see me at Mable's house as well. Getting into my car I start driving to my house.

Putting the sound up on the radio, I roll the window down and enjoy the breeze of the cool air hit my face.

Getting to my destination I lock the car and unlock the door to the house. I need to quickly take a shower and get ready to go to Mable's.

Doing as I needed to do I'm done in under thirty minutes from the shower and start getting ready by doing my hair and makeup.

Hearing my phone vibrate from the table I pick it up to see it's a text from Ace.

I'll meet you at Mable's house I'll be coming just a bit late xx

I can't help but smile at the two small kisses he put besides his message- Ace can be full of surprises sometimes.

Looking in the mirror and adding the final touches I'm happy with the way I look and grab hold of my purse and phone.

Looking in the mirror and adding the final touches I'm happy with the way I look and grab hold of my purse and phone

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Who Am I?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें