Chapter Seven

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The big, bold run sign catches my eye immediately: sale. I guess I could get something from here, maybe a new small bag so I can put my things in there. I walk into the store and see two old ladies behind the counter; one of them gets up and gives me a wide smile.

"How may I help you?" She asks with a gentle tone.

"I was looking for a small bag which I could put around my shoulders"

"The bags are right there darling" She points straight ahead and I see the rack of them.

"Thank you" Walking towards the direction of the bag I pick up the smallest one I can find and see that it's only for two dollars which I have.

"Would you like that one?" She asks from behind me.

Turning around I give her a smile and nod my head, she walks out and comes towards me.

"That will be two dollars" Opening Mable's bag I take out two dollars and hand it to her.

"Thank you again" I say before leaving the shop.

Taking Mable's bag off my shoulder I roll it up and put it into the new one, I finally paid for something with my own money.

"Newspaper?" A young boy suddenly asks popping out of the blue.

His brown eyes are gleaming bright from the sun and I can't find but say yes, he hands it to me and walks off.

Opening the newspaper up I start walking to the café while reading the main headline which are about some celebrities. Suddenly the newspaper is flown out of my hand and I've landed painfully on my back.

From the corner of my eye I see that the reason for my fall was because I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I get up on my feet and try to ignore the slight pain which was caused by the fall and my eyes land on the newspaper.

Bending down to reach it the person I bumped into reaches for it at the same time but from the look of the person's hand I can tell that it's a man. He picks it up before I do and holds it in his hands.

My eyes travel up to meet his and I'm met with crystal blue eyes.


"Ace" He replies back in a deep tone.

"What?" I ask confused.

Why did he say Ace for?

"You called me Jack but my name is Ace" He tells me with a small smile on his face.

Why did I call this man Jack for? I've never seen him before in my life and the first thing which comes to my mind is the name Jack

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Why did I call this man Jack for? I've never seen him before in my life and the first thing which comes to my mind is the name Jack.

"I'm so sorry, I...I think I got you confused for someone else" I now take in what he has on which are shorts, a vest and some headphones which are around his neck.

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