Chapter Thirteen

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"Harriet, why aren't you at work?" Mable asks standing in front of me now.

"The...the shop closed down earlier so I decided to go out with Ace to get some lunch" Looking at Ace from the corner of my eye he is looking at Mable.

Mable nods her head as her eyes shift over to Ace.

"Mable this is Ace and Ace this is Mable my friend"

"Hi, nice to meet you" Ace sticks his hand out which Mable shakes.

"Your dad was a very honourable man" Something in Ace's face changes and he nods his head.

I don't understand. From the way Mable speaks about Ace's dad I don't know whether he is alive or not.

"Thank you" Ace replies back to Mable with a small smile on his face. "Harriet" Ace's blue eyes shift over to mine and I can't help but not look away from them.


"I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

I nod my head as I watch him walk away before smiling at me.

 I hope Ace isn't running away from me after what that man did

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 I hope Ace isn't running away from me after what that man did.

When I see Ace tomorrow I hope he doesn't bring it up and speaking of Ace, I need to ask Mable about his dad.

"Mable, what happened to Ace's dad?"

"That's not a topic I want to discuss with you Harriet, if you want to know then you should ask Ace himself" She says in a calm collected tone.

Fair enough she doesn't want to discuss it but this isn't something which I'll feel comfortable asking Ace himself about- I don't know him that well.

"What are you doing here then?" I ask Mable instead.

"I'm on my lunch break as well so I decided to come home for a while"

"Shall we walk together then?"

"Of course let's go" She replies back with a smile.

We both walk together silently on the streets back to Mable's house when I remember that I need to show Mable the dress which I got for her.

Reaching the house Mable uses her keys and opens the door to the house as we both get in.

"How long is your break?" I ask her.

"For half an hour"

"Ok I'll be back in one minute" Rushing up the stairs I run into the room where I left the bag of clothes and get the dress out from the bag which I kept separate.

Dashing back down the stairs I walk over to Mable and put the dress into her hands as she looks at it.

"What is this?" She asks confused.

"I brought you a dress, I hope you like it" Mable doesn't reply back for a few seconds and then I hear the sound of her sniffing. "Oh Mable why are you crying?" Mable looks at me and her eyes are all red with tears slipping out.

"I don't want you spending your money on me"

"You're the reason I'm standing here right now Mable, you're the reason and this is something which I wanted to get you myself. You spend your money on feeding me, this is the least I could do for you"

"Thank you" Mable reaches forward and hugs me, I wrap my own arms around her and tell her it's ok.

She pulls apart and holds the dress up in front of her.

"It's beautiful, thank you again"

"I'll just quickly get something to eat"


"You aren't going to be bored are you?" Mable asks as she stands in the doorway.

If I was still with Ace then I would have done something but he's gone now, I guess I'll go to the park which me and Ace passed.

"No, I'll be fine" Mable says bye and shuts the door behind her.

Taking hold of my shoes I slip them on and take hold of my bag. Opening the door I see that Mable is out of sight so I lock the house door behind me walking the opposite direction of Mable's.

Once I reach the park I sit down on the bench and notice that there are only a few children here with a few parents.

A few minutes later a man comes and sits next to me but I can't see his face because he's looking away from me.

There's a loud click sound and I notice that he's dropped his keys to the ground, reaching forward to grab it the man's hand is at the same distance at mine and I can't help but look at him.

He turns his face around at the same time and I instantly notice the grey hair and wrinkles on his face to know that he's an elderly man.

He grabs the keys and reaches back up. Sitting back up into my position as well I look around and smile at how happy the children look to be here.

Looking around to my left I feel the man's gaze on me but try not to look at him. Why is he looking at me for and making it so obvious?

Flicking my eyes towards him he looks away and I can't help but see that he has a small scar on his jawline.

It looks familiar, where have I seen that before? I feel my heartbeat start to accelerate fast and my palms start to sweat.

I need to get out of here, I shouldn't have come on my own...this was a bad idea. Quickly getting up from the bench I walk out of the park without looking back.

I should have asked him how he got that scar or would that have been too rude? Maybe it would have helped with that familiar feeling I had in me.

Shaking the feeling out of me I decide to walk back to the house.


Mable hands me the cup of hot chocolate she made as I sit in front of the fireplace of the house.

"I think Ace likes you Harriet" Mable says.

" he doesn't. Why would someone like Ace like me in the first place?"

"Harriet. I don't know him that well but from what I've seen he's not the type of guy who would look at your earning, he looks more of a personality person plus you're a very beautiful girl so that's an added bonus for him" Mable winks making my cheeks go red to which she laughs at me.

Ace...Ace would never like someone like me, that thought seems impossible.

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