Chapter Twenty-One

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"I feel lost and confused but happy at the same time" I tell Doctor Stanley as I play with the loose piece of threads on my dress.

"Why do you feel those specific emotions?"

"I feel lost because I still have that feeling in me that I shouldn't be here right now, I should still be having my old life which I don't even know about. I'm confused because I don't know how I ended up here out of all places but I'm happy because of this new life that I'm living and building at the same time, its not a happy start but its something. Yet I don't want to move on because I'm scared, I don't want to completely forget about my past if I ever do remember it one day" Letting out a deep sigh I just look straight ahead out of the window watching the sun blur in the sky.

"Its completely normal to feel like that Harriet, I'm very impressed that you're starting to open up more about how you feel. It's the first step to going somewhere and time will surely start to show that"

He takes his glasses off and starts writing down something on his notepad.

"That is it for your hourly session, I shall see you next time" I get up as quick as I can and shake his hand giving him my farewell.

Leaving the room I walk back to the waiting area where Ace is. He's on his phone texting away, hearing my footsteps he looks up and smiles at me.

"I won't be able to walk you all the way down to the café because I have to come back for my shift" He says looking down at his watch.

I almost forgot that he worked here.

"It's ok, I'll just catch a taxi to work, you can stay here" He shakes his head as a no and gets up from the chair.

"There's no need for that, let's go" He takes my hand in his and we leave the hospital hand in hand.

The feeling of Ace liking me still isn't fully sinking in yet, I find it hard to believe that someone like Ace would like someone like me.


"Come on, just one" Ace pleads with me for the fifth time.

"But I feel self conscious" I say hiding my face from him.

"Listen to me" He takes my hand in his and looks me dead in the eye. "You're beautiful and you look beautiful in everything you wear" Giving me a wink he puts his arm around me and holds the phone across us. "Smile" He says.

Smiling at the camera, he takes a few pictures of the both of us together.

"Do you always take selfies?" I ask laughing at him.

Selfie...what an odd word. How do I know that it's called a selfie? Oh yeah, of course I probably owned a phone from before and know what a selfie is.

"I take them occasionally" He has a small grin on his face as he puts his phone away.

Leaning forward he places a soft sweet kiss on my lips, I immediately return it back which leaves a smile on my face.

"See you later"

"See you later" Getting out of the car I give him a wave and start jogging to the café with a huge smile on my face.

Pushing the door I'm met with Sue's arms wrapped around me.

"Susan lay off her, I don't want Harriet injured again" I can't help but laugh at the way Sue looks at her mother.

"Harriet sweetheart you'll be working in the kitchen today, I don't want you moving around so much" Walking towards her I embrace Marilyn in a hug whilst whispering a thank you in her ear.

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