Chapter Two

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My cheeks are numb from the cold winds harshly hitting against my face. My eyes half closed and half opened from not managing to get any sleep on the dirty mattress.

People still seemed unbothered by my state as they walked past me at night; they just looked at me with full disgust displayed on their face.

I just want help, why is that so hard to ask for? Suddenly, I let out a loud sneeze and feel my nose starting to drip from what seemed like the start of a flu, I feel my heart squeeze inside my chest and my brain starting to overreact.

They were telling me two different things and I didn't know which one to follow, do I just close up like this forever and not try to find out what happened to me or get up and continue fighting.

Hearing a click from behind me I get up a little and see a man standing by the doorway of the house. Quickly arising to my footsteps I take in his features.

He looks like he's in his late thirties, has a big beard and his eyes are bloodshot red-he was probably drinking all night.

Despite his appearance, maybe he can help me.

"Sir-" The look he gives me cuts my words off immediately.

It's the same look which everyone else gave me whenever I wanted to ask for their help- anger. Just anger and that's it.

Letting out a sigh I turn around and get off the mattress continuing to walk down the unsympathetic and empty ground beneath my feet.

If only there was someone out there, someone who could help me, someone that knows me...anybody that knows me.

It just seems like I'm in a place where I don't know these people and these people don't know me but the question is: why?

Why this place, why do I not recognise this neighbourhood and what am I doing here in the first place?

My own brain must be so frustrated from the questions I'm asking myself but I can't help it, I need to rack my brain out because my brain is the one who remembers everything.

I need to remember and I need to know. Tap, tap, tap I continuously hear from somewhere, I'm not wearing any shoes on so what's that sound coming from?

Curiously I turn around and I feel my heart skip a beat. It's that man which came out of the house, he's behind he following me?

Turning my head back around I feel goose pumps starting to arise on my skin in pure fear, why has been taking the same route as me for so long?

I need to run. Looking around one last time he's still there so I do the first thing which I said I would: I run.

Feeling the adrenaline moving through my veins my heartbeat begins to accelerate and pump faster and faster in my chest.

Turning my head I see that the man is starting to run after me now as well. Oh no, what does he want from me?

Ever so suddenly, I bump into something hard, turning to look at what it was I see a woman. The woman's dark brown eyes look me up and down and then back at the man.

"You good for nothing excuse, get out of here!" The woman yells out him loudly.

Moving to stand next to her, the man gives me a dirty look as well to the woman and swears at the both of us before walking away.

The sight of bright colours catches my sight as I look down at the ground to see food which has rolled out of some bags.

Oh goodness, I dropped this woman's bags. I feel my stomach physically punch me from the inside from how hungry I was.

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