Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Ace!" My eyes open wide as I take in my surroundings.

My back is nice and warm but there's a bright light shining right in my eye. Quickly looking to the right my eyes land on what looks to be a male's chest.

A familiar male's chest....Ace's.

"You're awake" He says bringing his hand to my face gently stroking my cheek.

"I had another vision Ace...I"

"I know...we all saw" He says cutting me off. All I can see is pain in his eyes as he looks away from me clenching his jaw. "I've told Jack everything"

Getting up from his lap, Ace helps me up as I keep a firm grip onto his hand.

"Where...where is he?" I ask.

"He just went out to get some fresh air, it looked like he was about to pass out as well when I told him everything"

Ace saying that brings back those visions I had, especially the marks on my stomach and my unborn baby.

My baby, which I was about to have. Naturally I put a hand on my stomach and try not to let the tears fall down my cheeks.

"I know what those marks on my stomach are from Ace" Ace lets out a sigh and looks down at my stomach.

"You probably tried to get rid of the baby" He tells me with a straight face.

The way Ace is speaking is confusing me. Sometimes he's speaking with concern and the other times he sounds so serious like there's no emotion running through him.

"Ace, I would never do something horrific like that and remember what Jack said? He said that I fought against my parents, maybe it was against this and in my vision- in my vision I heard myself screaming telling someone to stop it"

"As far as it comes to your parents, they're trying to contact them" All of this is so much.

It's all in a big ball and it's just starting to stress me out- all I want to know is the truth.

"I'm so confused Ace, I don't know what to do" Bringing myself closer to him I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest.

Ace however doesn't even respond back to my hug.

"You need to talk to Jack again and try to understand every little thing you can about your past, any useful information that is" Ace is about to walk off but I quickly grab for his hand and he stops but doesn't look back at me.

"Just because I've found out about my past that doesn't mean that I've lost my feelings towards you" I say trying to make him understand that he is still very important to me.

"You could change your mind" He releases my hand of me and walks out of the room leaving me to look at him.


Sitting in silence with Jack was probably the most peaceful moments of today.

"You don't deserve this"

"Nobody deserves this but're my only hope now. I need to know everything from the beginning, how we met and how it led to my fake death"

"You might as well get comfortable because this is a long story" Jack moves from besides me and faces himself in front of me.

The dark circles were clearly visible underneath his eyes. I can't imagine what he's been through, he was also lied to as well.

"We met in high school, you could say that we were high school sweethearts. You loved science, you always loved helping people...all the time. That was one of the things which I loved about you, your dedication and commitment to people which you barely knew. Because you had such a big passion for this you wanted to pursue your dream of becoming a doctor and me, I wanted to become a lawyer. You actually never told your parents that we were dating until the end of high school and when your parents found out, let's just say they weren't happy at all. They didn't think I was worthy enough for you, I wasn't as rich as you I had a small family and a fair-sized house but your parents wanted you to be with someone as high as there standards when it comes to reputation and money and that is what I didn't have. But you, you fought it against your parents. You told them how much you loved me and they would never be able to separate the both of us. Let's just say that your parents were happy when we never got to spend any time together with you at medical school and me at law school and them days were the worst Pen. I had sleepless nights not being able to be near you or have you next to me and you felt the same. So, from this we both came to a decision to move in together. From then, we spent years together in that house and I knew that it was time to propose to you because I knew that you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with so I did and you said yes. It wasn't long after...just a couple of months, we found out you were pregnant and Pen you don't understand how happy I was. I was going to be a dad and you were just as equally happy. With the both of us being financially stable and in love we knew that we had nothing to worry about, but your parents still didn't like me and this time they went insane when they found out so you decided to go and stay at your parents for a while just so you could persuade them that you were happy with me. Two weeks had past, you never called or text me, I tried going to the house but nobody would answer the door and this point I got worried. Your parents were acting funny saying that you weren't feeling well and your phone wasn't working and then I remember that phone call. It was on a Saturday night at exactly ten o'clock at night, it was your mum crying into the phone. She said that you were attacked and got stabbed from a robbery which happened in the house and that you passed away from the brutal attack" Jack starts choking up a bit and I can't help but to move towards him and wrap my arms around him in comfort.

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