Chapter Twelve

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"There's this one shop which I always go too, they sell really nice and affordable clothes" Sue says as we get out of her car.

Marilyn told Sue what happened and Sue immediately demanded that she take me shopping straight away to which Marilyn didn't disagree too.

I knew someone was going to say something to me about my clothes. People should understand that not everybody can afford the latest fashion.

Obviously I can't because of my circumstances but I never once complained about the clothes which Mable gives me.

"Here it is" Sue points out as she walks in holding the door open for me.

I follow her and enter the shop looking around to see that there are clothes everywhere. They're on racks and against the walls.

"First of all, I need to know what size you are" She says looking at me.

I feel my cheeks go red in embarrassment of not knowing how to answer Sue's question. Whatever Mable has been giving me have been very tight fitting and I don't even know the size.

"I'm not quite sure"

"It's ok, we'll just get you measured" Sue tells me to follow her as we walk towards another lady who looks like she works here.

"Hi, how may I help you?" She asks looking between me and Sue.

"I just want to get my friend measured so we know what size she is"

"Sure that's fine" The lady gets a tape measure and starts doing her measurements, circling it around my waist and hips as well as other parts.

She writes them down on a piece of paper as we go along and then tells me I'm a size eight. Sue and me walk down a section as she starts browsing stuff while picking them up.

We come across the bra and underwear section and I realise that I really need these as well.

"I just need to pick a few things from here" I tell Sue.

"That's ok, I'll go and find some jeans and skirts for you" Sue walks off leaving me alone.

Looking down at the piece of paper which the lady gave me I pick up a couple of bras and underwear's according to what my size is and put them into the small pushing trolley.

That should be enough. From ahead I can see Sue picking more things up so I walk back towards her by the dresses.

"I've picked a variety of things for you. You've got some dresses, shirts, skirts, jeans, leggings, tights and I picked up two pair of shoes. Is there anything else you've got your eye on?" Sue asks as she looks into my small trolley.

I should get something for Mable; I can't go back to the house and show up with brand new clothes just for myself, that's too rude.

"Is it ok if I can buy my friend a dress?"

"What size is she?" Sue asks.

"I don't know her exact size but I can guess what will fit her" Sue laughs at this and says ok while she helps me pick a dress out for Mable.

We both go towards the counter and put everything down as the lady scans and puts it in a bag for me.

Paying for everything Sue hands the money over which Marilyn gave for me and we leave the shop.

"Wasn't that expensive?" I ask Sue as I look over the receipt.

"Harriet are you kidding me, that's a bargain!" Sue exclaims with a shocked look on her face.

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