Dysfunctional- Stiles Fanfic

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 It was the day when I had to fake a smile, socialize with idiots, and try not to punch any teachers today. Yup, I'm starting a new school. I was perfectly fine at my old school but no my dumb dad had to move because of "work"

I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Jenny. I have brown hair, I'm 5'4 and I've never been the most popular at my school. Oh and I'm different from everyone else but no need to get into detail now.

We're moving to a place called Beacon Hills. I've heard things about that place. It's a very mysterious place, a lot of murders, strange creatures, and a really good lacrosse team.


 " God, why are alarm clocks so damn annoying!"

I get out of my comfortable bed and go to my closet to pick out my outfit.

"Do I really want to dress up for people who might not even like me? Maybe there will be a cute guy," I say considering my options.

I throw on a Navy blue tank top with a leather jacket and a pair of White skinny jeans.

I curl my long brown hair into loose curls. I quickly run down the stairs after realizing that I would be late if I didn't hurry up. I grab an apple and out the door, I went.

When I finally get to Beacon Hills High after taking 5 missed turns, I hurry out of my car and hope I wasn't too late. I walk to the office where I was met with a not-so-happy principle that I was late but still faked a pretty convincing smile. I get my schedule and was on the hunt for where Honors English was.

"It's going to be the end of the day before I find this stupid English class!", I say to myself in a frustrated tone.

 " You know you could always just ask," says the mysterious person

I turn around to see who said that. I take a double take soaking up his features like it would be the last time I see this mysterious boy.

"Hello?" says the boy

"Oh, sorry just lost in thought. I was wondering where Honors English was with Mrs. Paltrow."

" Oh yeah, of course, she's actually just down the hall, first door to the left," says the boy

"Thank you! You just saved me from running around the halls for the whole day. I'm Jenny, I'm kinda new to the school if you hadn't had noticed by now," I say with a smile.

" I kind of noticed but no problem I'm glad that I could help I'm Stiles," he says with a friendly smile.

"Well it's nice to meet you, hopefully, I'll see you soon," I say.

"Yeah, maybe we can meet for lunch. I could show you around with my friend Scott," says Stiles

"Yeah, but I don't know I could just make it to the popular table by today you never know," I say sarcastically before walking to my English class.

I walk into the full classroom, noticing limited seating in the class. There was a seat behind a girl who looked like she was going to hurt me, A boy who looked like he was reading but I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing something else, and a girl who looked like she was doing her nails not giving a care to the world. So I sat next to the girl doing her nails, I mean she's doing her nails so she won't bother me. When I sit down she looks up at me and I realize that maybe I should have sat with the guy reading the book.

"Hey, um I'm new here I'm Jenny," I say nervously.

She looks at me and then at my outfit and then back at me.

"Where did you get that shirt? It's so cute!", the girl says in an enthusiastic tone.

I take a sigh of relief. She wasn't as bad as I thought.

" I actually got it at Urban Outfitters they were having a sale and I don't think I could have left the store if I didn't have it."

" Interesting, well I'm Lydia and I think we are going to be great friends," Lydia says with a smile.

" Wow. First day and I have already a best friend who would've thought," I say laughing

School went by in a flash, At lunch, I decide to take up Stiles's offer and he gives me a tour of the school with his best friend Scott. Scott was very friendly and I knew we would be good friends. We exchanged phone numbers and left when the bell rang signaling the end of the day.

When I get home, the thing I was hoping wouldn't happen happened. I thought we would be fine and that my dad was done with all the shit he's caused and I'm pretty sure this time I will be forced to contribute to my power. It's going to be an interesting family talk.

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