Part 5

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Victoria entered the executive lobby, her eyes scanning the circular space

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Victoria entered the executive lobby, her eyes scanning the circular space. Could she get more ridiculous? Why did she keep doing this? The fiasco with Mr. Davar took place over a week ago. Apparently, not long enough for her to shake the absurd notion he might be lurking in some doorway waiting to turn her into mush again. She needed a Chai Latte in the worst way, something to calm her nerves. 

She paused at the receptionist's desk and picked up her mail."Miss Temple, would you please have a Chai sent up from the coffee shop?"

"Sure thing, Miss Ballard. Before you get started for the day, you probably need to check the lead article in the latest copy of A New York Woman. I'm sure you're going to get some questions concerning the story and I know you'd want to be prepared." 

"Okay, I'll look it over." Victoria headed for her office. Easing into her chair, she slipped off her shoes. A stack of correspondence needing her signature sat in the middle of the desk. Placing the incoming mail aside, she perused and then signed the necessary letters, just finishing as Miss Temple knocked and entered. 

"Here's your Chai Latte. Extra hot the way you prefer." 

"Thank you. I've signed these letters. You can take them back with you. Also, please hold my calls for an hour. I have the Addison contract to iron out and I don't want any distractions."

 Victoria heard the door click shut behind her receptionist. Picking up her drink, she blew on it twice and took her first careful sip. Perfect. The beverage was steamy, sweet, and energizing. She took a larger swallow and reached for this month's copy of The New York Woman

Chai spewed over her desk as she gasped for air. After a coughing spasm, the choking reflex released its grip on her throat. She stared at the culprit responsible for her near strangulation. A grainy photo of her likeness covered the front page of the prestigious magazine. The photo was unflattering, chosen she was sure, to enhance the caption below. Amazonia to Marry

Cringing in disbelief, she loosened her fingers from the creased edge of the magazine and flipped through the glossy pages, finding the article she wanted on page sixteen. 

Could this really be true? Victoria Ballard, known as Amazonia by her constituents, has yielded her shield and spear? If so, we wonder at the courage and identity of the brave man who would risk such an alliance. While this rumor cannot be confirmed, I'm sure we all await the outcome with eager expectation. Miss Ballard will shortly be co-hosting the annual Children's Charity Ball at Leighton Hall; perhaps the mystery man will appear then. 

She swiveled her chair to the left in search of the trash basket. Giving the magazine a toss, it hit its mark and dropped to the bottom of the receptacle with a satisfying plunk. Nothing was more irritating than having gross distortions about her private life put in print. Unfortunately, there was not a lot she could do about them. Being one of the youngest female VP's in her field created its own drawbacks and being press-worthy was one of them. When she turned up at the ball without an escort, maybe the press would finally get the story about her marriage would ever be forthcoming. 

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