“Jason, my mate is Ryder. Even if he doesn’t want me, technically he’s still my unofficial mate.”

He gripped my hair and yanked on it. “Shut up! You are mine! I’ve waited forever for you to be free of my bastard of a brother! I will not have you deny the connection we have!” His eyes were black.

He punched my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I was powerless to stop him because of the damn silver. If I wasn’t tied down, I would have killed him there and then. 

His eyes changed back to green.

“Sorry about that sweetie. I lost it there for a second. Anyway just so you know, I forgive you for that betraying the pack and slaughtering them thing. We all have are off days.” He shrugged.

“Um, okay?” Jason is unstable. 

I am unstable too, but Jason is also delusional. That makes him unpredictable which makes him even more dangerous. I can;t wait to kill him. It’s going to be so fun!

“I love you, Mikky.” He caressed my cheek.

I had to resist the urge to bite his hand. It was hard. Like really hard.

“Say it back.” He whispered in my ear. 

Someone needs a mint. 

“It.” I said cheekily. 

Childish, I know, but I’m not going to lie about love. Well, at least not to Jason. If I encourage him he might want to... do stuff, and I’m not the type of girl to just sleep with anyone. I’ve only been with Logan, and I loved him.

Surprisingly he didn’t flip out. He smirked. “We have forever. If you are not ready to say it yet, that’s okay. Tomorrow, we’re heading back to New Mexico. It’ll be great to have you home again. The first thing I’m going to do is mark you. I can’t have anyone thinking that they can have you. Then, I’ll announce you as my Luna. I mean, you were Luna already, but now you’re MY Luna. After that we’ll get married. I want pups as soon as possible. If I want to retire from Alpha while I’m young enough to enjoy it, we need have them as soon as possible. I want a boy first. If it’s a girl we’ll have to drown it or something. We’ll name him Jason Junior. I like that. It sounds respectable. I mean, I’ll be a legend. We’re going to take down two packs a month. So by next year, we’ll be the only one in North America. Exciting right?” There’s the Jason I know. The annoying rambler. 

I think he said all of that without taking a breath.

Stupid boy, he just gave away his whole plan to his prisoner.

If we’re heading back to New Mexico tomorrow, I need to escape tonight. 

As soon as I’m back at the Rejects, I’m not getting away. 

And that’s if the family members of the men I slaughtered yesterday, don’t kill me first.

Jason and Logan were the ones to find me in the woods four years ago. I really don’t wan to kill him, but if it’s me or him, I won’t hesitate.

“Jason, you are just a boy. Let me go, I don’t want to hurt you.” I tried one last time to get him to understand that he’s not going to make it out of here alive if he doesn’t let me go now.

“A boy? A BOY?! I’m the same age as you! But that’s all you ever saw me as, Logan’s kid brother. My mate doesn’t even respect me as a man, how can I expect the whole pack to.” He spat bitterly.

“Er, sorry?” Someone is sensitive.

“It’s okay. Tomorrow night I’ll show you how much a man I really am.” He tried to look sexy, but honestly he looked constipated.

Yep, definitely escaping tonight.

“I would satisfy you tonight, but you must have a headache. I hit you much harder than I meant to.” He kissed me on the forehead and pulled the covers from the foot of the bed over me. He left the room closing the door behind him.


It was Jason behind the door.

If you guys don't remember, Jason has a mental condition where he legit thinks Mikky is his mate. 

He walked in on his mate and another guy. At that point he was already 'in love' with Mikky. He immediately rejected his mate. It was easy because he only glanced at her. 

Now that he had no mate and never really experienced the mate bond, his mind tricked both him and his wolf into thinking Mikky is his mate. His feelings for MIkky mirror those of the mate bond. 
He is as protective, possessive, and obsessive as Ryder's is for Mikky. 


Yay #400 on the Werewolf list. 

Keep it up!

There are 10 chapters plus an epilogue left. 

Next Update: Wednesday

I might update earlier because I have Monday off of school, but no promises

Anubis xx

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