A Mystery//P.P.

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Summary: Tony Stark finds very interesting pictures of you and demands to know if you really are who you say.

You were walking around Central Park at only 8:00 in the morning, you weren't typically a morning person but this day seemed to be an exception, it was really sunny to be early in the morning and going for a quick run seemed to be a perfect idea after eating two entire pizzas the day before.

Music was blasting quite loudly in your ears as you walked, humming the song under your breath, hoping people around wouldn't listen.

Since you can remember you were always taught to stay hidden everywhere you go, to stay under the radar and never create chaos. Why? You never knew.

Unlike other people who can recall having an awesome childhood, you could only recall certain things, everything else was blurry and unclear.

You looked at that small tattoo in your left wrist, remembering the cause of the tattoo, your eyebrows furrowed at the thought, the music distracted you for a bit and thanks to the loud volume your music was, you didn't hear the loud sound of leaves cracking as a young man in a red shirt followed your every move, trying not to catch the attention of everyone around you.

Once you arrived to a more secluded space without anyone in sight, the young man took the chance, to take you by the collar of your black top and pulling you towards their body; before you could cry out for help or even react, he covered your mouth with his hand, his other hand holding your waist tightly, however, you noticed that the arm he had around your waist was actually a metal arm, making you panic even more.

You looked around in hopes to see someone on the phone, calling for help, however, you saw nothing.

The chilly autumn wind was blowing, a few kids we're playing, all oblivious to the situation you were in.

Something hit your head, hard, knocking you out cold immediately, allowing Bucky Barnes to carry you to the small car parked nearby, Steve Rogers waiting.

Loud voices were heard, waking you up from a deep slumber, your eyes fluttered open, panic rising as you found yourself in a dark room; you noticed the throbbing headache, but before you could reach your hand out to rub your temples you noticed you were tied up to a chair.

"I told you to bring her/him in, not to knock her/him out!" The muffled voice of Tony Stark exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, but I know what Y/N is capable of, it wasn't a smart idea to keep him/her awake." A familiar voice rang through your ears, a mischievous smile forming on your lips, it was none other than Bucky Barnes, the Winter soldier.

You tried hard to move, so you could at least turn on the lights, but you couldn't, the ropes tying you back were very strong, as if they knew of your super strength.

Without wanting to wait any longer for someone to come in and get you out, you froze the ropes, yanking your hands out once they were fully frozen.

Everything was silent just as you got yourself out of the chair so you were sure they had heard you spring free.

You started feeling around the walls with your hands, noticing that the room was very small, it didn't take you long to turn on the lights, the room becoming bright, you groaned as your hands covered your tired eyes from the blinding light.

After your eyes finally adjusted to the sudden brightness you tried to open the door, having no success you started to panic and hit the door desperately just wanting to get out of the room.

Peter Parker heard you banging on the door from the room he was in with Bucky, Tony and Steve, "Guys, she's/he's awake."

Bucky nodded, walking out of the room and into the space you were in, he opened the door very cautiously before looking you up and down, you looked very different than when he had last seen you.

Bucky held your arm tightly as he dragged you harshly out of the room and into the room he previously was in with Peter, Tony and Steve.

"Calm yourself metal man, no need to be harsh." You huffed as he finally let go of your arm, "Spider-Man, big fan, hey!" You waved excitedly at the man in the red and blue spandex suit, he mumbled a small hi to you before being hit on the shoulder by Tony.

"We're not here to talk about superheroes Y/N Y/L/N, we want answers." Tony told you as Bucky made you sit down, you raised your hands in defeat as you let out a small laugh and sat down on the chair behind the brown wooden desk where Tony Stark was sitting with Spider-Man and Captain America beside him.

Tony took out a folder you supposed he had hidden underneath the desk, he opened up the black folder and your jaw dropped, it was full of pictures of you you had never seen in your life, some seemed to be old, others were too good to have been taken by a modern camera.

"There are pictures of you from 1958, 2050, 1817 and many other dates, what are you up to?" You sat there, wide eyed not knowing what the hell to say, not even you knew what all this was.

"Honestly, this is the first time I've seen half of this pictures." You answered, your voice trembling slightly, Bucky sighed and Tony just shook his head, "I swear I'm not lying, I don't know what the hell is going on."

Tony groaned, he had been trying to get answers out of you unsuccessfully for a while and he was getting fed up, how could all your memories get erased just like that.

"You know what, call Wanda I'm tired of this bullshit."

Minutes later, Wanda appeared inside the room with a frown, she didn't like that you were being treated so harshly by them, you were just a teenager after all.

"She/he is not lying, somehow his/her memories got erased, it's pointless Tony." Tony's expression softened when he saw how upset you were, he had been unnecessarily harsh to you.

"Hey don't worry Y/N, we'll figure it all out." Spider-Man told you, you smiled gratefully at him, knowing you had just made a friend.

Two updates in a day, I feel productive

-Sarah xx

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