Chapter 1

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     I was so nervous, I was shaking. My dark hair fluttered in the breeze created by the walking mass of students, and I felt extremely scared as I stepped up to the classroom door. 1A was on a sign above it, and I was thankful for the grounding quality of the music in my ears.

"Kimi wa my beautiful, hangovah,

hangovah, yeah,

Kimi wa my beautiful hangovah,

hangovah yeah...

Ka ga ya go headright,

ne mu ra mai ma chi eh,

are you ready?" sang V.I., from Big Bang. It felt a little weird, seeing as how I was in Japan, and listening to KPop. (A/N: I used not the actual lyrics, but rather how it sounds.) But, quivering slightly, I walked into the classroom, and felt sure I'd drop from relief as I spotted the one desk not yet taken, all the way in the back corner. I sat down, and with a sigh of relief, pulled out my notebook and pen, the notebook covered in anime and music stickers, and the pen with a little ghost on top that, in all actuality, kind of creeped me out the first time I saw it. But, I really like creepy things.

     As I began copying what the teacher had written on the board into my notebook, the song changed to "This Little Girl" and I really wanted to sing along, but I knew that probably would not be the best idea, seeing how I was the new kid on my first day, and I didn't want to have someone call the police. However, my foot did begin tapping as the chorus came through.

"Every girl is capable of murder,

if you hurt her,

Watch out you don't push me any further,

any further.

You're not the only one walkin' round with a loaded gun,

This little girl is capable of murder,

'cause you hurt her." It was the nightcore version, the one by NightcoreReality on YouTube.

     As the bell rang, I sadly pulled out one ear bud, and even though I had, I had a hard time focusing on the teacher. He was old, and dressed like he was going to a court case after class, and he sounded like he wasn't very interested. I finally got tired of listening to his droning voice, and turned on the recorder on my phone, set it to no time limit, and placed my other ear bud in. Besides, this guy was teaching history, and I already knew all the history about Japan from my mother's stories as a child. We'd recently lost my father, and honestly, I noticed almost no difference. He was never home anyway, and except for the clothes in the laundry that I occasionally did, I was pretty much unaware of his existence. But still, everyone insisted it was a humungous thing, but, I didn't think that he was entirely unjustified. He'd gone the old fashioned way, a bullet through the brain, and I'd gone over everything that I knew about suicides, and from the handwriting analysis I ran to the critical analysis of the scene to everything else that had happened, I was absolutely positive that my father had pulled the trigger of his own free will, and I think that it was to get away from the people who surrounded him.

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