120: weird phone call I've ever gotten

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One day i got a call from a stranger named Derek. I had no idea who the guy was but me made sure to let me know that I didn't know him. And even though I said I have no idea who you are, he kept regaining tales about how we had romantic embraces and a lot of other sick stuff that I can't talk about. I told him I knew a couple of Derek's but we were never that close together. He continued to tell me about past experiences that I'm not allowed to talk about. Then I just hung up. He tried calling a couple of times but I didn't pick back up, I had other stuff to do, and frankly I didn't want to hear any of that stuff again. After giving up on calling me, he sent me a text message picture of a rexo flesh light, then another text message asking Hey remember this? I deleted the picture and blocked the number as quickly as possible before he could send anything else. I haven't heard from him sense then and I'm very grateful for that.

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