59: annoying customer

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During my time at a certain video game store, I handled myself pretty well. When a customer is trying to be annoying or trying to be loud and rude, it's really easy to ignore because you know they're trying to annoy you. The only time it got to me, was with a certain customer who just didn't know what he was doing. He was a mentally handicapped kid who's caretaker would just leave him at the mall everyday for hours on end. So he liked to go into the game stop and look at the boxes then pick a game to take home, abusing the return system, but since he was a little special in the head, we let him get away with it, cause he was causing no harm. One day he saw a game he wanted in the glass case but his caretaker took him away and he didn't have enough time to get it. The next week he came back really eager to get his hands on that game. Luckily, I remembered the game that he wanted. But when I checked the computer to see which stock we had, we didn't have any. After I told him this, he got pretty upset and kept pointing at the glass case saying no it's in there. I knew it wasn't in there, but I figured what's the harm in looking. After looking through each and every shelf multiple times I told him sorry man it's not in there. He kept insisting I was wrong saying no it's right there I'm front of me. I felt bad for him so I took out the shelf's out of the glass case and told him to pick out the game that he wanted. After about five minutes, he started looking at the case under the counter saying no I want that one in there. Now, as time went on with this kid, trying to find the invisible game, which I had nothing bad against, I was getting more and more agitated without realizing it. I eventually screamed ITS NOT THERE I CAN'T FIND IT!! at which point the manager decided to say hey buddy take a cigarette break, which was odd because they never told me that before. While I was out taking the break, a thought dawned on me...

I just yelled at a handicapped kid.

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