45: Weird person on the bus

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When I was a kid we had a field trip to national history museum downtown. Everything was going normal until we actually got downtown. Problem was, the bus driver didn't actually know where to go. We didn't have a GPS or a map or anything he could use to locate his way. So we were kinda in a bind. The normal thing to do would have been leave us with the teacher and get directions. The bus driver seemed kinda against that. Maybe he didn't want to be late or else he was just a priful guy. What was his idea? To speed downtown as fast as possible and run across the building. At least that's my best guess. Besides, it's not like I was gonna interview the guy or anything. But I do remember being downtown for an hour and a half straight. Bashing into intersections, bumping into dibs, pretty dangerous stuff. The teacher was too terrified to tell him to slow down and the kids yelling only made her more nervous. Eventually the cops noticed how fast he was going over the speed limit downtown. They told him to pull over and we got a new driver in the seat. At that point the teacher was too terrified to do anything so I assumed she went home and cried herself to sleep while the principal looked after us for the rest of the day. I personally wasn't terrified that day, but looking back on it we all could have died very easily. all because some dickhead WOULDN'T slow down!!

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