69: awkward restaurant experience

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When I was fourteen, me and my family, we went to an all you can eat buffet. after the dinner, my mum asked me to take my sister to the kids play area and watch her. Like usual, I was not happy about baby sitting duties, but she gave me the puppy dog eyes and convinced me to dance the hokey pokey with her. Halfway through it, I saw my crush and her family. She looked over at me and started laughing. You deserve, at school, I was this super tough cool guy yet here I was, doing the hokey pokey with a bunch of six year olds. At first, I wanted to shoot my fucking face off, but later on, she came over and said it was really brave and cute of you to do that embarrassing dance for my sister. In fact, she was so impressed, we hooked up later that night. We did the bedroom hokey pokey, aka, sex. Sometimes it pays to embarrass yourself.

The story of a demon; HELLBENT💥 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin