65: horrible thing a babysitter did to me

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When I was thirteen, my neighbors asked me if I'd babysit their son and daughter. I would usually play with the son, but on this particular night, the daughter was crying for attention. I felt bad so I decided to play dolls with her. This made her brother really jealous. He started having a tantrum and I told him to stop being a baby and let his sister have some attention. The boy stormed off. A few minutes later I heard footsteps in the hallway. I turned around and the brother was there holding a boy scout axe. He was looking very very mad.i kicked the door closed and the boy started hacking the door with his axe. I threw my weight against the door and cried out for the boy to stop and shouting I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll play with you. Good thing the kids parents came home at that exact moment. The boy went to his room and I raced downstairs to tell the parents what their serial killer son had did. Needless to say, that was the last time I ever babysat for that family.

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