78: weird thing I've been asked to do

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One night at about 4 in the morning, I get a call to go downstairs and check the pool table because a customer lost an item inside one of the pool tables.
I didn't think it would be anything too unusual, maybe they dropped a five dollar bill in there maybe their keys, it could be a number of things. When I arrived at the joint,
I saw people stripping bits of beef jerky into the pool table pockets.
I was a bit too tired to question them so as I was plugging in my power drill, getting ready to disemable the pool table, I see a furry little paw sticking out of one of the pool pockets. As you probably guessed, it was a little tiny kitten. It had snuck into the pool pocket and had no intention of getting out. Little dude was having a blast. Eating beef jerky, escaping capture, running around the pool tables, knocking them down, it was a really good time for him. I managed to disemable the table he was in and he looked at me, with beef jerky in his mouth, as though to say "oh, we're done playing now?" Not only that, but there was also a pair of car keys in there. Can't say it was a bad experience, the little bastard was cute and all, but it was a little bit odd, having to fetch a live animal out of a pool table. Come to think of it, I never asked them what gave them the idea to bring a kitten into a bar anyway.

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