102: weird homeless person

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One Friday night, when I was in college, me and five of my friends took a train to go to a party. After a couple of minutes, the train stopped on the tracks, saying there was a delay. Right after the announcement, a homeless man sitting on the train laughed like a madman. He then pulled out what looked like a newspaper and started smoking it. The train started to smell like a combination of burned plastic, meat and something else. The man then started yelling at his own reflection, saying he wanted to rape and fuck up everyone on the train. Once the train started up again, me and my friends got off at the next stop. Last thing I saw, was the guy still laughing maniacally, smoking his makeshift joint, blowing smoke at the glass and then licking it.

The story of a demon; HELLBENT💥 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें