88: Crazy girlfriend

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A while back, me and Pandora were playing Gears of War 4. She really enjoys her in-game costumes, she loves to dress up. So we spent days grinding for end-games points to buy loot crates. It would give us new costumes. Then out of nowhere they had a special event. They would give you unique costumes that they would stop giving away after a certain point.
So we played the game like mad for about a week straight to get as many points as possible in order to get a ton of crates. You couldn't just buy the costume either, you could buy more crates and get a chance to get a costume but why would you want to throw a hundred bucks just for them to not give you what you want. She unlocked almost every costume in the game except for the very specific one that she wanted. The event ended and it sent Pandora into a rage. She flung the Xbox out of the window and it broke which is why I don't have an Xbox one anymore. God, why couldn't they just sell the costume?

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