63: supernatural experience i can't explain #2

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I believe I've a sixth sense that I used in my life several times to save my life at five times fast. It happened quite a bit but I'll just bring up three incidents.

When I was young my father and I were driving past a golf club when I suddenly felt like closing the sunroof. A few seconds after the sunroof was closed, we heard a loud ding. A golf ball had hot the car right where I was sitting under. If the sunroof hadn't been closed, that would of binged me right in the head and probably killed me and put me in some sort of coma.

I was getting off the school bus and about to cross the street to walk all the way home. I was standing in front of the bus ready to cross the street, when I had a sudden urge to take a nice stretch and right as I did that, a firebird came screeching across the street at about eighty miles per hour. If I hadn't felt the urge to stretch I would have been splattered across the pavement.

Another time I was at a burger joint, with a really long line and halfway between waiting, I decided na I'm having tacos instead. Turns out after I left, an armed robbery took place in the burger joint and several people got shot. I'm not saying I have pyshic powers, WAIT. Thats exactly what I'm saying, I'm a fucking pyshic. I DECIDE WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES!

The story of a demon; HELLBENT💥 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora