Chapter 3: Beacon

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Ironwood: "Wait. You said it would its dangerous. Would you like to leave it and let us study with your equipment?"

(Y/n): "Yes it's dangerous, but not for me and I won't let you study it. Megatron, do your thing."

Ironwood: "???"

Before Ironwood said anything, Megatron was summoned, walked towards the dark spark raise his right hand and said.

Megatron: "Dark spark, to me!"

The Dark spark that was on the stand, now rose from it, shaking it and flew across to Megatron's hand. Later Megatron began to transform the dqark spark to a smaller size that fits into (Y/n)'s hands. As soon as he was finished, he placed it into (Y/n)'s hand without effecting him. When Megatron finished, he vanished his spark went to the matrix. (A/n: think of it like you steal a soul from someone. Don't report me.)

(Y/n): "Now that's finish. Since you don't have any info on the dark spark, you might as well delete it. It had no use to you anymore."

As (Y/n) finished his sentence, he put the dark spark on his back right. Now the power is equal. (Y/n) starts to leave Atlas and returned to beacon. Ironwood has no plan to stop him and study it. So he let it go and work on a project called Penny. (A/n: my guess.)
Location: Beacon bullhead
Period/timeline: End of day one, before night.

3rd pov

(Y/n) left Atlas with beacon bullhead. Within the ship, the pilot is still flying towards beacon. (Y/n) meditate. Talking to the Transformers in his head.

(Y/n)'s head pov

(Y/n): "Optimus, Megatron, I have a question for you."

Optimus Prime: "Go ahead."

(Y/n): "If someone who creates the grimm, like a queen of king, who had the power of the dark, would they able to take control the dark spark?"

Megatron: "No, they need the power of either dark or non-dark energon to control it. You have the matrix, pure energon it holds. You should not worry about it."

Optimus Prime: "Besides, you're at beacon now, wake up."

(Y/n): "Ok, see you later Optimus and Megatron."

(Y/n) pov

As (Y/n) woke up, the pilot told him to leave, so he did. He explored though beacon getting many interest looks. He walked through people's room without disturbing them. Then, (Y/n) found the elevator, by the time he push the button, Ozpin was behind him. (Y/n) turned around as he said.

Ozpin: "Why hello there."

(Y/n): "Ozpin, you said you want to talk to me, so take me to your office please."

Ozpin: "Straight to the point. Alright let's go."
Location: Ozpin's office
Period/timeline: after day one, evening

3rd pov

As (Y/n) observe Ozpin's office, he saw Glynda, the day when he saw Ruby and her.

Ozpin: "Alright, let's get right to it. I believe you met Glynda?"

Glynda looks at (Y/n) pissed for endangering people and others. (Y/n) ignores it.

Ozpin: "You said Transformers correct? I would like to know them."

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