25- Bittersweet date

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Sunday has come and Taehyung is still in his bedroom, with clothes spread all over his bed. He could just go with his casual clothes but he wants this day to be special. He checks the time and there are still ten minutes left before Jungkook will come to pick him up. He ruffles his hair in frustration then decides to wear a black coat, a white shirt, black pants and a black beret. He adds to his outfit a bright red tie.

"Done," he says as he looks at himself in the mirror.

A few minutes later, his phone rings and it is Jungkook.

"I'm coming!" He can hear Jungkook chuckling from the other side.

Once he is at the main entrance, he checks himself again on the wall on the mirror before opening the door. He spots Jungkook's car on the pathway and walks towards it.

When he enters the car, Jungkook looks to his side and goes back to look at his phone.

Taehyung feels a little disappointed, he expected the younger to be amazed or something by his appearance but the younger does not show a hint of emotion.

"So where do we go?" Jungkook asks still staring at his phone.

And that's when Taehyung realized something. He did not plan the place where they can go. He was so focused on his outfit and makeup, that he forgot the essential element of a date: a place. The feeling of stress travels from his mind to his body as he starts to gnaw on his lower lip nervously.Before he can give a reply, the younger starts the engine and drives off. Taehyung is so ashamed himself. He was the one who asked to go on a date and he can't even do the simplest thing.

"Jungkook, I'm-"

"We are here,"

Taehyung scans his surrounding. He is not familiar with this place. He gets off the car and follows Jungkook who is walking towards a large building, which windows were made of glass. Soon, they find themselves at the entrance of the building.

"Where are we ?"

"You'll see very soon,"

The two males steps inside. There is a ticket booth in front of them and Jungkook takes out his wallet. Taehyung is still analyzing his surrounding. He sees a few people exiting and entering a room on the far left. There are some paintings on the wall and some sculptures inside glass boxes.

"Let's go," Jungkook says as he walks to a woman. He hands her their tickets and she let them enter in.

As soon as he set a foot inside the room, Taehyung eyes widen and he is amazed by the sight. It is a large white room in which a lot of paintings are hanging on the wall. In the back of room, there is another room, and we can see a glimpse of neon lights forming inside the other room. Taehyung forgets the fact that he is on a date and quickly runs to each painting, looking at them with astonishment and admiration. He always loved arts but he had to hid it from his father, who will constantly tell him that art is useless and that it will not put food on one's plate. He shoved that passion in the back of his mind and focused on other things, until now. His eyes sparkled with excitement again. All of sudden, he hears the shutter of a camera and he turns around to see Jungkook with his camera.

"I'm sorry, should I move ?" Taehyung asks.

Jungkook sighs and walks to him. He puts the camera in front of the elder's face and shows him the picture he just took. His heart skips a beat as he feels Jungkook's body closer to him.

"You look perfect," Jungkook's words resonate in his head and it sends a shiver down his spine. His whole body wants to curl at the new feeling.

He feels empty when Jungkook moves away. The younger is already taking pictures of other paintings.

After a long walk inside the museum, Taehyung and Jungkook have dinner in a restaurant. Jungkook keeps showing the elder the pictures he took but Taehyung's mind is somewhere else. As they are on their way back, Taehyung realizes something and says :

"Jungkook, I think I forgot something at your place,"

"What ?"

"My hand cream, I can't find it at home,"

Jungkook changes direction and drives to his house. They arrive in front of his apartment and Taehyung clenches his fist. He doesn't want to do this but he can't stop this sensation burning in his body, it is taking over his mind. He follows Jungkook inside and sees the younger looking around his house, then his eyes land on the hand cream bottle on the shelf. He hands it to Taehyung but the elder does not take it.

"It's yours right?"

All of sudden, Taehyung pushes Jungkook on the sofa and hovers him. He doesn't let the younger say a word and shuts him by kissing him roughly. He sucks on his lower lips hardly, making the younger opens his mouth. Taehyung doesn't waste a minute and puts his tongue inside Jungkook's mouth. He kisses him without missing a spot. Jungkook moans against his lips and tries to move the elder from him. But Taehyung foresaw this, so he brings his hand to the younger's crotch and rubs that spot. Jungkook's hands that are on Taehyung's shoulders, fell down.

Taehyung lips do not leave the soft ones of the younger and his hand looks for the younger's pant's waistband. He can sense Jungkook trying to push him so he bit the younger's lip not so forcefully. He can taste the blood coming from his lips and he doesn't mind.Jungkook is lost between pleasure and pain. Taehyung manages to pull down the younger's pants and palm him through his underwear. He smirks when he hears Jungkook moaning. Out of breath, he moves his lips from Jungkook's blood smeared ones.

He keeps his eyes on the younger and continues his movements against the younger's member. But, that is not until Jungkook grabs Taehyung's wrist firmly, almost bruising him.


Taehyung frowns and he is about kiss again Jungkook. The younger is quicker and pushes him away, his back hitting the sofa. Jungkook is now on top of Taehyung and he glares at him.

"You've crossed the line, our deal is over,"

He let go of his grip on the elder's arm and stands up. He puts back his pants and slams his bedroom door. The model lays there speechless. His mind is blank. Tears fall down his eyes and his throat feels dry. He stands up and leaves the place. He roams the street not understanding where he is going. Each time something like this happens, for an unknown reason, his feet always lead him to Namjoon's bar. But he doesn't enter in. He can hear the sound of his friends and his brother laughing and he doesn't want to ruin their precious moment together. He steps back and decides to go back home.

When he enters his bedroom, he doesn't care about taking off his clothes and lays down there, facing the white ceiling.

What have I done?

He brings his hands to his face and more tears are falling. Now it is all over. Jungkook will definitely never come back to him.

This is the worst outcome of his beautiful scenario.


Hello lovelies, I wish you all a very late Merry Christmas! Well, 2018 is nearing and my wish is to finish this fic before the end of this year ( very dramatic haha) I hope you all spend a good time with your friends and families. Again, thank you for reading, commenting and voting - love you-

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