6- Helped

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At the end of the day, Taehyung finds himself, sitting at his favorite bar, the one ran by Namjoon. He is on his 5th shot of vodka. No matter how much he drink, the pain in his heart and mind won't go away. The bartender has a sad face as he stares at the poor man, drinking like there is no tomorrow.

"Namjoon hyung, once again,"

"You drink too much Taehyung-ah"

"I don't care, I have money so give me one more,"

Namjoon's chin comes forwards as he tries to not release out his anger. Taehyung stares blankly at Namjoon, waiting for his glass to be filled, but then Namjoon ignores him and goes towards other customers. Taehyung exhales sharply and stands up from his chair. He is about to go out when at the entrance he bumps onto someone's chest. He pats his forehead and glares at the person.

"Again you," Jungkook says.

Taehyung ignores him and tries to exit the place when Jungkook stops him while grabbing his arm. Taehyung turns around and locks eyes with the young man. His vision is slightly blurry and for an unknown reason, anger rises inside him. He violently releases his arm from the man's grip and pushes him far. Taehyung starts to walk away but now he can't see anything clearly, the street is plunged into darkness and he can spot tiny lights shining brightly before him.

"Oh there are stars," he says to himself.

Jungkook stands behind him in the streets. He looks towards the same direction as Taehyung but can't see anything but a dark blue sky. There are not stars at all. He turns back his gaze to Taehyung who is smiling widely. It stirs Jungkook's curiosity who approaches him.

"It's only a nightmare, a horrible nightmare," Taehyung says.

Jungkook puts his hand on the elder's shoulder, which makes him turns around and stares at the younger, the smile is still there.

"It will be fine tomorrow right,"

Jungkook sees how tears filled the brown eyes of Taehyung. They are about to fall at any moment and he wants to prevent them from falling. He looks at each feature of Taehyung's face. He is indeed handsome and perfect, there are no flaws at all. Which makes Jungkook's think about what can makes him cry? As he was engrossed in his thoughts and his admiration, he didn't sense Taehyung resting his head on his chest.

"Mr Kim ?" He calls.

The latter doesn't answer and only puts his arms around Jungkook's waist. When Jungkook is about to move, he tightens the grip around the younger's firm waist.

"Please," Taehyung pleads.

Even now, Jungkook doesn't know why he brought Taehyung to his place. The elder enters in and examines the place. It is a one room flat, the walls are painted in a dirty white color and there are 2 or 3 pictures frames hanging on the walls. They contains photos of sceneries. There is one single bed next to the window and a brown sofa with a small wooden coffee table in front of it. The kitchen is in a corner of the room and it looks like it hasn't been used. The next thing Taehyung notices are photos scattered on the floor. Taehyung's eyes lands on one single photo. He picks up the photo and tries to identify the person on it but his vision is still blurry. Soon, Jungkook takes away the photo from his hand. Taehyung pouts and exhales.

"Sit," Jungkook says as he shows him the sofa.

Taehyung sits down and looks at Jungkook picking up the photos and arranging them. Jungkook puts the folder containing his photos in a shelf and turns around to see Taehyung sleeping in his sitting position with his hands between his thighs. Jungkook sighs and tries to wake him up but the latter won't wake up and his body lands, in a slow motion, on the sofa. The younger scratches the back of his head and kneels down in front of Taehyung. He gulps down as he slowly unbuttons Taehyung's shirt, as he does it he keeps checking if the elder is awake. He takes off the shirt and then unbuckles his belt. Suddenly, the elder moves and turns around.

Now, Jungkook is facing Taehyung's back. He huffs and calmly pulls off Taehyung's pants. He feels his cheeks getting hot seeing the roundness of the elder's bottom. He quickly shakes off any thoughts and throws away the pants. Taehyung only has his boxer and socks on. Jungkook takes an empty basin which he fills with tempered water. He soaks a clean towel with the water and starts to clean up Taehyung. His tongue comes out as he is concentrating on his work. He makes circles on the elder's torso then when he comes down, he stops and checks again Taehyung.

He massages carefully Taehyung's honey-like tights with the wet towel. His hand travels on Taehyung's legs and even though he is done, he keeps on caressing the elder's body. He continues to touch and sense the skin under the towel. It is when a phone rings that he stops. He spots Taehyung's phone vibrating inside his pants' pocket. It says "Jimin" on the screen.

"Tae, where are you? I'm worried about you,"

"Uhm, hello?"

"What? This is not Taehyung ! Who are you? Did you steal the phone?"

Jungkook exhales in anger.

"One, my name is Jungkook. Two, no I didn't steal the phone and three, Taehyung is at my place, he -"

"Did you kidnap him? Mr Jungkook I'm going to report you !"

Jungkook rolls his eyes. Jungkook thinks that the person named Jimin is seriously getting on his nerves since he won't even let him explain.

"Excuse me, but can you please let me explain before jumping to conclusion,"

Jimin didn't responds.

"Anyway, I work with Mr Kim Taehyung. I saw him today at the bar and he didn't feel well so I brought him to my place. He is now sleeping,"

"Oh," Jimin says.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung shivering. Jungkook cradles the phone between his shoulder and ear and looks for some clothes in his closet. He finds a pair of black sweatpants and a dark blue shirt.

"Then, I'm sorry. Thanks for helping my friend,"

"No problem," Jungkook responds as he kneels down once again.

"Tell him to call me when he is awake," Jimin says before hanging up.

Jungkook puts the phone away and dresses Taehyung with his clothes. Fortunately, the elder is sleeping profoundly and can't ee how much Jungkook struggles to put one shirt on him. After this, Jungkook takes a quick shower and goes to bed. It was a tiring day.
Another boring chapter .
I'm sorry ~ thanks for reading !

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