22- Past, come on

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A warm scarp wraps his neck, as he walks into the studio. He bows to everyone as he enters and then immediately heads into the fitting room. The usual routine. Once he steps out of the fitting room, his eyes meet those brown ones of Jungkook, standing next to the monitor screen while setting his camera.

"Good morning,"

Taehyung smirks. He looks around him before moving closer to the younger and putting his hand on his waist.

"Good morning, darling,"

Jungkook rolls his eyes and moves the elder's hand away from his waist then turns around to face the freshly done makeup face of Taehyung. He is wearing blue lens which gives him an angelic look. Jungkook finds himself lost in those eyes, it was only when he sees Taehyung smirks growing on his lips that he comes back to reality.

"We are running on time," the photographer says as he shows his back to the model.

Taehyung keeps smiling since he succeeded in making Jungkook feel shy . He stands on the X mark written on the floor of the studio and waits for Jungkook to look at him, before poking his tongue out and grinning widely. Jungkook is stunned by the elder's action, he regrets that he couldn't capture that exact adorable moment of Taehyung.

"I won't be fooled by you anymore, Jungkook" Taehyung declared.

Jungkook quirked a brow and held his camera up.

"Are you really challenging me?"

Taehyung shrugged with a playful smile attached to his lips.


Jungkook realizes that he is so absorbed by Taehyung's little actions so he doesn't see his phone ringing in his jean's pocket.

"Jungkook-sshi I think your phone is ringing," Hoseok says as he taps slightly Jungkook's shoulder.

The photographer turns around, surprised to see the manager and then takes out his phone from his jean's pocket. He looks at the caller ID and soon he furrows his brows. There is confusion and anger  rising in him.

"Are you not answering?" Hoseok questions.

Jungkook stares at Hoseok and he shoves his phone back into his pocket before turning it off. As he faces back the model, whose eyes are looking into the distance and his brows joined together. He seems upset and concerned. Taehyung is wearing a white button-up shirt inside of a dark purple suit, matched with dark purple dress pants and a golden Rolex watch. He looks rich and expensive. Two  buttons of his shirt are undone and they catch  Jungkook's attention but he soon averts his eyes and brings his camera to his sight and shoot a picture.

Taehyung is unaware until he hears the sound of the shutter. He looks directly into the camera and smirks. Jungkook doesn't stop clicking on the shutter, he wants to capture every expression of Taehyung, not only in the camera but also in his mind. A sudden lust woke up in his body and he transfers all desires into the shutter and the camera.

A sigh escapes Jungkook's soft lips as he moves away from the camera. He is surprised to see that he has crossed the line between the set and the monitoring area. He is standing not so far from Taehyung's face.

Taehyung's looks straight into Jungkook's brown orbs. The model is confident. The lust in Jungkook's eyes tells him he can win this game. He is about to put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder when all of sudden the photographer steps away. Jungkook quickly walks to the monitor screen with bewilderment.

One more step left.

Soon, the model is invaded by his stylist and makeup artist. He doesn't move and keeps his gaze on the photographer. It hurts but there is nothing he can do, he can't force himself on him.

"And that's a wrap," Hoseok announces when the shooting is over. Taehyung changes himself in hurry and without any help. He walks out of the dressing room to see Jungkook's putting away his materials.


"Hello, Jungkook"

A woman, a little older than the two, walks in the studio. Her brown curls fall evenly on her chest and her lips are painted in a light pink colour. She is wearing a brown cardigan above a cream colour dress. Her legs are enveloped in brown knee boots. Taehyung's eyes widen as he recognizes the woman. She is the woman he saw in Jungkook's camera.


She stands next to him and smiles widely.

"Long time no see,"

Jungkook looks at her then look at Taehyung standing behind her. He looks surprised with his lips apart. Mina turns around to see at what Jungkook is staring.

"Oh aren't you Kim Taehyung-sshi?" Mina says as she approaches the model.

Taehyung simply nods.

"I am Kang Mina,"

Kang Mina :  famous model and actress in the entertainment industry. Married and has one kid. Wait ? Married?

"Nice to meet you Mina-sshi" Taehyung bows.

"Mina-sshi, it's almost time," a man says.

She smiles at the model and leaves the set. Taehyung spots Jungkook with an angry expression plastered on his face.

"Are you alright?" he asks but he gets no answers. The photographer puts his bag on his shoulder and exits the studio. Taehyung follows him. He doesn't have any more schedules for the day which is the perfect opportunity to stay by the younger's side. Soon, they are sitting in a cafe with Jungkook scrolling through his phone and Taehyung sipping on his drink without looking away from the younger.


"Can you be quiet for a moment ?'

Jungkook shoves back his phone in his pocket and stares at Taehyung, whose eyes are round.

"Why are you following me around?"

Taehyung sets back on his chair with his hands in his jacket pocket.

"Did you forget our deal ?"

Jungkook nods.

"But it doesn't include you sticking to me,"

Taehyung removes his hands from his pocket and places them on the wooden table.

"How are you going to fall in love with me if we stay apart?"

Jungkook chuckles. He crosses his arms over his chest and glares at Taehyung, who lips form a warm smile. It disturbed Jungkook. He wonders why the elder can keep smiling like that when he clearly got rejected by him a lot of times.

"Jungkook, let me stay at your place today,"

Jungkook almost choked on his drink. He wipes the corner of his lips and looks at Taehyung in disbelief.


"You've heard it. I'll pick some stuff at home and after I'll head to your place, don't even think about locking the door,"

The model stands up and goes out of the cafe, leaving Jungkook in confusion and astonishment.

"What is he ?"

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